Star Wars Classic Collection: Major Update 2 Now Live

Discover the latest improvements in Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection with the second major update from dedicated developer Apyr.
Star Wars Classic Collection: Major Update 2 Now Live


  • Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection update enhances gameplay and resolves bugs for devoted fans of the franchise.
  • Apyr's ongoing commitment to addressing launch issues ensures a better player experience across all gaming platforms.
  • New additions and updates in Battlefront Classic Collection promise nostalgic gameplay while attracting a new wave of players to the iconic series.

Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection has recently undergone a significant update aimed at rectifying initial game flaws. This remastered compilation of the first two titles from the Battlefront series fulfills a longstanding request from fans. Despite the success of the Battlefront reboot among Star Wars enthusiasts, many players expressed a yearning for the classic Star Wars Battlefront experience. Developer Apyr heeded these calls and launched the collection on March 14, 2024.

The release initially generated excitement among gamers eagerly anticipating this long-desired title. However, Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection encountered several challenges upon launch. Undeterred, developer Apyr has maintained a steadfast dedication to resolving all issues and perfecting the game for players' enjoyment.

The latest monumental update for Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection is now available. This update addresses numerous bugs, expanding upon the fixes introduced in the previous major update. Improvements include rectifying issues like server connectivity problems on PlayStation, incorrect button prompts on Steam, prolonged loading screens on Nintendo Switch, and enhancing enemy AI behavior across all platforms. Overall, this update significantly enhances the overall gaming experience and tackles existing quality-of-life concerns.

In an era dominated by online multiplayer games, the release of Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection couldn't have been more timely. This collection has the potential to attract a growing player base, offering a unique Star Wars aesthetic and gameplay distinct from contemporary titles like Fortnite and Helldivers 2. Players are hopeful that Apyr swiftly resolves any remaining issues to sustain player interest.

Excitement abounds among fans of Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection due to the introduction of new content. The game's launch coincides with another gaming option within the Star Wars universe, Star Wars Outlaws, set for release in August. Despite controversies surrounding its content, players eagerly anticipate further exploration of the franchise, this time delving into the criminal underworld narrative. With a dedicated fanbase and rich lore, the Star Wars universe continues to captivate gamers worldwide.

Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection Update 2 Patch Notes

All Platforms

  • [BF1][BF2] Issue resolved: Lack of audio/visual feedback upon pressing Refresh in Server list.
  • [BF2] Fixed textures overlapping the Generator asset in Shield Generator room on Space Assault maps.
  • [BF2] Improved enemy AI firing frequency and accuracy.
  • [BF2] Corrected Gameplay initiation failure in 64-player matches post countdown completion.
  • [BF2] Adjusted brightness of tables and bar tops on Mos Eisley map.
  • [BF2] Optimized Lightsaber brightness/color in brighter areas.
  • [BF2] Reduced flickering lights intensity on Utapau map.
  • [BF2] Resolved camera shaking upon falling off map or death.
  • [BF2] Fixed crash during map transitions.
  • [BF2] Addressed voice line issue for Ki Adi Mundi.
  • [BF2] Fixed lightning VFX displaying through walls on Kamino.
  • [BF1] Enabled connection to private servers with correct passwords.
  • [BF1] Resolved occasional crash during launch.
  • Fixed respawn countdown timer stuck at 1.
  • Rectified screen freeze on 'Waiting for players' screen in active multiplayer games.
  • Fixed disconnect issue during map transitions.
  • Resolved delayed appearance of 'done' button post-game end.
  • Improved Public Servers stability.


  • [BF1][BF2] Fixed Xbox button prompts appearing with PlayStation controllers.
  • [BF1][BF2] Addressed occasional crash during faction selection in Split Screen Galactic Conquest Versus mode.
  • [BF2] Enabled selection of Skip option with Left Mouse button in Galactic Conquest mode.
  • [BF2] Fixed Villains' spawn issue in Hero Assault servers.


  • [BF1][BF2] Fixed crash during server list refresh.
  • [BF1][BF2] Ensured servers appear upon initial search attempt.
  • [BF2] Resolved large fog wall issue on Kashyyyk map.
  • [BF1] Adjusted draw distance on both Kashyyyk maps.
  • Fixed intermittent server join failures.

Nintendo Switch

  • [BF1][BF2] Resolved extended loading screen duration post-menu selection.
  • Fixed force close error when disconnecting wireless controller pre-game load.
  • Addressed Controller input detection issue transitioning between Tabletop and Handheld modes.