New Hope: Star Wars Classic Collection Reviving Fan Dreams

The upcoming Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection could spark a new era for long-time Star Wars enthusiasts.
New Hope: Star Wars Classic Collection Reviving Fan Dreams


  • The Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection is bringing back cherished characters and iconic battles for fans.
  • While a Star Wars Battlefront 3 revival seems unlikely, the Classic Collection opens doors for new content possibilities.
  • The soon-to-be-released remaster might rekindle interest in the beloved Star Wars gaming series.

Throughout the years, there have been several adored Star Wars video game franchises, but none have quite matched the acclaim of Star Wars: Battlefront. Nearly two decades ago, the original Star Wars: Battlefront set a high standard by portraying the franchise's epic battles in a realistic and captivating manner. Transporting players to iconic locations like Naboo, Hoth, and Tatooine, the game laid a solid foundation that was further elevated by its sequel released just a year later.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2, launched in 2005, is still revered as one of the finest Star Wars games ever created. Despite showing its age in graphics and certain mechanics, the game remains surprisingly enjoyable even today. Now, with an impending remaster on the horizon, Aspyr's Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection promises to reintroduce the original titles to a new generation of enthusiastic fans, igniting a wave of anticipation. While this collection may be a one-time event, there's a glimmer of hope that it could lead to something more significant.

A New Dawn: Potential Series Revival with Star Wars Classic Collection

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 - A Lost Dream?

In 2006, just a year following the release of Battlefront 2, LucasArts initiated the development of Star Wars: Battlefront 3. Instead of entrusting Pandemic Studios with the project, LucasArts turned to Free Radical, known for their work on TimeSplitters.

Former Free Radical leads have revealed that Star Wars: Battlefront 3 was progressing well until internal delays disrupted the process. While the then-president of LucasArts, Jim Ward, was understanding of the setbacks, his successor Darrell Rodriguez reportedly had less patience. The relationship between the studio and the publisher deteriorated rapidly after Free Radical's disappointing release of Haze.

Despite the game's promising development, Star Wars: Battlefront 3 was ultimately canceled in October 2008. The reasons behind this decision have been debated by ex-LucasArts and Free Radical employees, leaving fans disheartened, especially considering the ambitious features planned for the game, such as ground-space transitions and a robust single-player campaign.

Over time, as snippets of early-build footage of Star Wars: Battlefront 3 surfaced online, the desire for a revival of Free Radical's vision has only intensified. While EA revived the Star Wars: Battlefront series in 2015, both the reboot and its sequel failed to satisfy fans in the same way. However, the buzz surrounding the announcement of the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection hints at a potential resurgence of interest in these classic games.

Expanding Horizons: Diversifying Content with Star Wars Classic Collection

Although a resurrection of Free Radical's Star Wars: Battlefront 3 appears improbable, this doesn't spell the end for the Battlefront franchise. Should Aspyr's Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection enjoy substantial success, there's an opportunity to introduce additional content to the remastered editions. Titles like Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron and Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron—previously exclusive to handheld devices—could potentially join the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection as paid downloadable content. While not entirely new, these additions offer a fresh experience for many fans who may not have encountered them before.