Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Faces Criticism

Players express disappointment with the state of the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection by criticizing the game on Steam.
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Faces Criticism


  • The Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection is receiving criticism on Steam for multiplayer issues.
  • Players are encountering server problems, rubber banding, spawning issues, and unresponsive controls.
  • Despite initial setbacks, developer Aspyr has the potential to resolve the issues and enhance the collection.

Players on Steam are expressing discontent with the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection following its recent debut. This collection merges the original two games into a single modern package, yet numerous players are encountering significant problems with the release.

The original Battlefront titles are renowned as some of the finest Star Wars games, immersing players in iconic battles from the franchise's history. While the second title featured classic Heroes and Villains, the primary focus remained on participating in large-scale combat, often likened to the Battlefield series. The Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection aimed to revive this experience, offering new multiplayer servers to evoke nostalgia. However, the execution seems to have hit a snag.

Players swiftly turned to Steam reviews to voice their dissatisfaction with the release, resulting in a