Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection: Preserving a Legacy and Longing for Revival

The Classic Collection evokes nostalgia while highlighting the absence of a modern sequel.
Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection: Preserving a Legacy and Longing for Revival


  • Rediscover the original Battlefront games with improved graphics and online multiplayer features.
  • Reflect on the missed opportunity of the canceled Battlefront 3 and its promising gameplay elements.
  • Despite the absence of a new installment, the Classic Collection keeps the Battlefront legacy alive for fans.

The Star Wars franchise boasts a rich history of captivating games that have immersed players in the iconic galaxy. Among these, the original Star Wars Battlefront titles hold a special place in fans' hearts, offering enduring experiences that transcend time. The upcoming Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection revives these beloved games, allowing both seasoned and new players to relive the excitement of commanding troops in epic battles.

Unveiled during a recent Nintendo Direct, the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection bundles the first two games together, featuring enhanced 4K textures and robust online multiplayer support. For enthusiasts eagerly anticipating the return of these classic games, this collection represents a dream fulfilled. Yet, it also serves as a poignant reminder of the unfulfilled potential of the Battlefront series, which has long been devoid of a third installment.

A History of Unfulfilled Expectations

Since its inception in 2004, the Battlefront franchise has experienced two distinct phases under LucasArts and EA, each marked by iterative improvements but a notable absence of a conclusive third entry. Despite the success and evolution of Battlefront 2, the vision for Battlefront 3 has remained elusive, plagued by development challenges and corporate decisions that led to its cancellation.

The Lost Promise of Battlefront 3

The ambitious project of Star Wars Battlefront 3 began after the triumph of Battlefront 2 in 2005. However, a series of setbacks, including delays by Free Radical Design and internal restructuring at LucasArts, culminated in the project's demise in 2008. Leaked footage of the game showcased groundbreaking features like ground-to-space transitions, hinting at a game that could have redefined the series but sadly never came to fruition.

Dim Hopes for a Modern Sequel

While EA's Battlefront 2 eventually overcame its turbulent launch to deliver a compelling multiplayer experience, the prospects of a contemporary Battlefront 3 remain bleak. Despite developer DICE's proposals, EA has shown no intention of greenlighting a sequel, leaving fans in limbo about the future of the franchise. In this context, the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection emerges as a bittersweet tribute to the past, offering a glimpse into what could have been while preserving the essence of the original games for a new generation of players.