Unveiling the Roster of Heroes and Villains in Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection

Discover the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection, allowing gamers to embody legendary characters of the beloved franchise once more.
Unveiling the Roster of Heroes and Villains in Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection


  • Explore the diverse array of playable heroes and villains in the Classic Collection.
  • Understand the mechanics of playing as iconic characters in Battlefront 2.
  • Dive into the nostalgia of Hero Assault mode with its unlimited health bars.

When the latest Nintendo Direct aired, many fans weren't anticipating much beyond a few speculations about upcoming releases. The unexpected announcement of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection during the showcase by Aspyr brought a delightful surprise to fans.

Scheduled for release on March 14, Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection combines the original two games into a modernized package. This release includes enhancements in visuals and audio, along with all content from both Battlefront games, including the previously Xbox-exclusive DLC. The collection introduces two bonus playable characters, enabling players to embody additional iconic Star Wars heroes and villains.

Unveiling the Roster of Heroes and Villains in Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection

In the 2004 Star Wars: Battlefront, players do not have the opportunity to play as renowned heroes or villains. Instead, they control ordinary soldiers from factions such as the Republic, Rebellion, Separatists, or Empire, using basic blasters and explosives to eliminate foes. Although iconic characters like Darth Vader and Mace Windu provide support, players cannot play as them in the original game.

The 2005 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 embraced the hero and villain concept, offering players a total of 17 iconic characters at launch and two more through Xbox-exclusive DLC. With Aspyr's Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection amalgamating all versions of Star Wars: Battlefront 2, players will have access to 19 playable heroes and villains, including:

All Playable Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Heroes:

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Mace Windu
  • Ki-Adi Mundi
  • Aayla Secura
  • Yoda
  • Kit Fisto
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Han Solo
  • Chewbacca
  • Princess Leia

All Playable Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Villains:

  • Darth Vader
  • Darth Sidious
  • Count Dooku
  • General Grievous
  • Anakin Skywalker
  • Jango Fett
  • Boba Fett
  • Darth Maul
  • Asajj Ventress

For those new to Star Wars: Battlefront 2 or in need of a reminder about the hero/villain system, players can assume the role of a hero or villain upon accumulating a set number of points, earned by defeating enemies or fulfilling objectives. Once the required points are reached, players receive a prompt to become the designated hero or villain for that map. Upon acceptance, players respawn as the iconic character with a depleting life bar, encouraging them to maximize kills within a limited timeframe.

Alternatively, players can engage in the Hero Assault mode, pitting teams of villains against heroes without time-constrained health bars. While fans may recall this mode from playing solely on Battlefront 2's Mos Eisley map, Aspyr's Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection offers the opportunity to join a Hero Assault match on any ground map.