Unpacking Star Trek Fans' Disdain for Patrick Stewart's Picard Series

Star Trek enthusiasts continue to express their dissatisfaction with Patrick Stewart's The Next Generation sequel series, Picard, for Paramount Plus.
Unpacking Star Trek Fans' Disdain for Patrick Stewart's Picard Series


  • Star Trek: Picard faced substantial criticism from fans, who remained displeased with the series, even after its third season.
  • Fans believed that Picard failed to deliver on its season arcs and lacked the essence of the original Star Trek shows.
  • Many fans thought that portraying Picard as an action hero was a misstep that did not align with the character they cherished from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Star Trek: Picard has consistently failed to resonate with dedicated Star Trek fans, who have been vocal about their discontent. Even with the conclusion of the series after season 3, fans have not wavered in their opinions; instead, they have become more resolute, using season 3 to bolster their arguments.

Anticipation for Star Trek: Picard was palpable long before CBS released the official trailer for season 1. However, given the numerous iterations of the franchise, the new series had lofty expectations to meet in order to surpass other Star Trek shows and movies. Despite fan dissatisfaction with season 1, efforts were made to generate more buzz for the show, including an entire Uber Eats campaign featuring Sir Patrick Stewart and Mark Hamill pitted against each other.

Even though Star Trek: Picard concluded almost a year ago, discussions about it remain popular on r/startrek. A thread initiated by u/safe-viewing questioning the intense criticism the series receives has amassed over 500 comments in less than 24 hours. While the original poster acknowledged that Picard is not flawless, they expressed enjoyment of the show and posed a query about the widespread animosity from some fans. In response, Redditor u/4thofeleven stated:

Other Redditors linked their discontent to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Redditor u/truthputer suggested that anyone who is a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation knows that Picard's character is best remembered as gentle and thoughtful. They remarked, “... When I imagine a Picard series, I can see him finally living out retirement (as hinted at in flash-forwards in TNG), perhaps solving gentle mysteries around his farm - or perhaps consulting with Star Fleet as they bring him a situation to give his input on. We saw in some of the movies how badly suited his character was to being an action hero. So of course, Picard tries to make him into an action hero. It fails spectacularly on every level.”

Furthermore, others felt that Picard's portrayal in the series fell short. Redditor u/FrugalFreddie26 commented, “In the first session, I struggled to relate the Picard we were seeing to the captain of the enterprise we know and love. I kept hoping to see his leadership and presence but it never came. It felt pretty hollow.”

While opinions varied in intensity, the prevailing sentiment was that fans perceived a disparity between Star Trek: Picard and the character and storylines they cherished from the original series. Nonetheless, the series has received acclaim, and discussions have emerged regarding the potential for a Star Trek: Picard spinoff. Therefore, if the spinoff materializes, the franchise will have another opportunity to win over its ardent Reddit fanbase.

Star Trek: Picard is available for streaming on Paramount Plus.

Source: safe-viewing/Reddit