Speculation Abounds: Insider Hints at Splinter Cell Remake Innovations

An insider suggests a potential game-changing feature in the upcoming Splinter Cell Remake, blending modern technology with the classic stealth gameplay.
Speculation Abounds: Insider Hints at Splinter Cell Remake Innovations


  • Insider leak hints at Ubisoft Toronto's Splinter Cell Remake incorporating raytraced reflections and audio for enhanced gameplay.
  • Anticipation builds as signs point to a possible reveal of the long-awaited Splinter Cell Remake at Ubisoft Forward 2024 on June 10.
  • Leaker Visceral teases a novel gameplay element where enemies can detect players through raytraced features, promising a fresh experience.

An insider has hinted at exciting innovations in Ubisoft Toronto's Splinter Cell Remake, suggesting the inclusion of raytraced reflections and audio to introduce unique gameplay dynamics. Despite being announced years ago, the Splinter Cell Remake has kept fans eagerly waiting for a release date. Recent clues, however, indicate that this anticipation might soon come to an end.

Notably, Ubisoft Toronto's official Facebook page underwent a makeover, prominently featuring the iconic three-eyed night-vision goggles of Splinter Cell in its header and adopting a night-vision-themed color scheme for its profile picture. These changes have sparked speculations about a potential reveal of the Splinter Cell Remake at Ubisoft Forward 2024 on June 10, where Ubisoft is expected to unveil a range of projects. While fans brace for this exciting possibility, an insider leak has injected fresh excitement into the Splinter Cell community.

Renowned leaker and dataminer Visceral took to Twitter to suggest that adversaries in the Splinter Cell Remake might utilize raytraced reflections and audio cues to detect players. The original 2002 Splinter Cell heavily emphasized light, shadows, and their impact on stealth, making this modernization choice by Ubisoft a plausible one. If confirmed, this feature would revolutionize gameplay, requiring players to be mindful of their character's reflections on surfaces like glass, or the noise of their footsteps bouncing off walls. However, it's essential to remember that this feature remains unverified, with the potential for an official announcement on June 10.

Insider Leak Highlights Raytraced Innovations in Splinter Cell Remake

Details about Ubisoft Forward 2024 are scarce, but an official teaser promises 'exciting news on upcoming games' from Ubisoft's global studios. Alongside the Splinter Cell Remake, anticipated reveals might include Assassin's Creed Red, Assassin's Creed Jade, a new Prince of Persia, and further insights into Star Wars Outlaws.

Last year's Ubisoft Forward featured prominent titles like Assassin's Creed Mirage and Star Wars Outlaws, setting high expectations for this year's event. As the June 10 date approaches, additional leaks or official teasers are likely to emerge, heightening the anticipation among fans.

The prolonged delay since the announcement of the Splinter Cell Remake in December 2021 could be linked to the departure of its game director from Ubisoft about eighteen months ago, although the specific reasons for the exit remain undisclosed.