Why Marvel’s Spider-Man Must Embrace the Long-Requested Wall Combat Feature

The clamored-for addition of wall combat in Marvel's Spider-Man franchise could be the key to enhancing gameplay and immersing players in future iterations.
Why Marvel’s Spider-Man Must Embrace the Long-Requested Wall Combat Feature


  • Wall combat is a highly sought-after feature for Marvel's Spider-Man games, drawing inspiration from Web of Shadows' fluid combat mechanics.
  • Introducing wall combat in Marvel's Spider-Man 3 has the potential to elevate gameplay, but it must be executed thoughtfully to maintain the game's hyperrealism and player engagement.
  • Fully realizing wall combat mechanics is crucial for Marvel's Spider-Man series to deliver impactful and immersive boss fights, setting a new standard for cinematic gameplay.

Marvel’s Spider-Man series draws inspiration from various sources, weaving a unique narrative while paying homage to classic Spider-Man elements. The incorporation of familiar themes and gameplay mechanics from iconic titles like Ultimate Spider-Man and Web of Shadows adds depth to the franchise's storytelling.

The symbiote invasion plot in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, with tendrils engulfing New York City and symbiote enemies running amok, is a clear nod to the beloved Spider-Man: Web of Shadows. Fans have longed for the wall combat feature from Web of Shadows to be integrated into the series, and the time may have come for Insomniac to heed these requests in future Spider-Man installments.

Unleashing Wall Combat for Dynamic Boss Fights

The boss fights against Doctor Octopus, Tinkerer, and Lizard in Marvel’s Spider-Man games often involve battling on the sides of buildings through quick time events (QTEs). These sequences highlight the absence of wall combat mechanics in the series, a feature that was fluid yet slightly flawed in Web of Shadows.

While Web of Shadows emphasized tethered combat mechanics, Marvel’s Spider-Man introduces a level of freedom in gameplay. However, the integration of wall combat could elevate boss fights to a new level of intensity and player engagement.

Balancing Realism with Wall Combat

A potential challenge for Marvel’s Spider-Man lies in seamlessly integrating wall combat without disrupting the game's hyperrealism. Web of Shadows managed to blend bombastic action with minimal realism, allowing for gravity-defying stunts and seamless combat on building surfaces.

Implementing wall combat in Marvel’s Spider-Man would require attention to detail to maintain the game's immersive experience. Smooth combat mechanics during boss fights, devoid of invisible QTEs, could enhance player interactions and elevate the overall gameplay.

Elevating Boss Fights Through Realized Mechanics

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 showcased boss fights with enhanced mechanics like health bars and parries, signaling a shift towards more dynamic encounters. However, certain sequences, like the Lizard battle, fell short due to inconsistencies in environmental damage effects.

As Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 looms on the horizon, the inclusion of fully realized wall combat akin to Web of Shadows could revolutionize boss fights and set a new standard for cinematic gameplay experiences. Embracing this feature could redefine Spider-Man's capabilities and offer players exceptional moments in the game's narrative.