Spider-Man 2: How to Customize Symbiote Tendril Colors

Discover how to personalize Peter's symbiote color in the latest Spider-Man 2 update.
Spider-Man 2: How to Customize Symbiote Tendril Colors


  • Limited color options: Black, White, or Story
  • Easy steps to change symbiote color
  • Additional updates in the March 7 patch

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was a highly anticipated game that captured the hearts of many players amidst a sea of stellar titles. Despite the game's initial success, Insomniac recently rolled out a significant update that introduced new features, including the ability to customize Peter's symbiote color.

One exciting addition in the latest Spider-Man 2 update is the option for players to alter the color of the symbiote tendrils that Peter wears while utilizing abilities akin to Venom, a key antagonist in the game. For those eager to personalize their symbiote appearance, here's a guide on how to change the symbiote tendril colors in Spider-Man 2.

How to Personalize Symbiote Colors in Spider-Man 2

Players keen on tweaking their symbiote color choices will find the options somewhat limited. You can select from three main colors: Black, White, or Story. While the first two are self-explanatory, 'Story' mode aligns the tendrils' color with the symbiote Peter currently possesses in the game's narrative. This option serves as the default, adjusting the color based on the chapter you're playing in Spider-Man 2.

To modify your symbiote color in Spider-Man 2, follow these simple steps:

  • Access the pause menu in Spider-Man 2.
  • Choose 'Gameplay' from the menu.
  • Scroll to the bottom and locate 'Tendril Color'.
  • Select your preferred color: Black, White, or Story.

There are no restrictions on how frequently you can alter the tendril colors, mirroring the flexibility of changing suits in Spider-Man 2. Feel free to switch colors at will to give Spider-Man's symbiote abilities a fresh and personalized touch.

The color customization isn't the sole enhancement in the March 7 update for Spider-Man 2. Additionally, players can now manually adjust the in-game time of day and replay their favorite missions, offering the chance to triumph over Marvel's formidable foes and showcase the diverse abilities of Peter and Miles once more.