Unleashing Cosmic Chaos: 6 Space Games That Allow Players to Obliterate Entire Planets

Exploring interactive planet-smashing in video games and the power it bestows upon gamers.
Unleashing Cosmic Chaos: 6 Space Games That Allow Players to Obliterate Entire Planets


  • Gamers can fulfill their destructive urges by obliterating planets and entire star systems in video games like Spore, Stellaris, Planetary Annihilation: TITANS, Space Empires 4, and Endless Space 2.
  • The allure of wielding doomsday weapons and wreaking havoc is depicted in these games, with Star Wars: Rebellion offering players the chance to experience the power of the Death Star and destroy Rebel homeworlds.
  • Players can manipulate and shape virtual worlds, embracing the fearsome power of a galactic god, reshaping star systems according to their whims and desires.

While some are inspired by the heroic acts of sci-fi icons like Luke Skywalker, others have been captivated by the dark allure of witnessing entire worlds demolished by spacefaring superweapons. The influence of sci-fi epics on game development has led to the creation of interactive planet-smashers in video games, allowing gamers to revel in cosmic devastation and reshape star systems at will.

1 Spore

From Squishable Insect To Planet-Stomping Invader

  • Players can unlock the "Planet Buster" at the end of the game
  • Using this doomsday weapon will cause widespread disdain from other in-game factions

In Spore, players can unlock the "Planet Buster," a weapon capable of turning a world into molten debris, garnering both awe and disgust from the galactic community. Despite the revulsion it elicits, the evil Grox faction embraces this ultimate tool of destruction, albeit with limited ammunition.

2 Stellaris

A Highly Customizable Way To Bring About Someone Else's Apocalypse

  • Stellaris offers various methods to annihilate planetary populations or repurpose planets for resources
  • The game provides detailed planetary features, making the destruction process more intense

Stellaris presents multiple approaches to obliterating planets, such as the "Neutron Sweep" and the "Planet Cracker," ensuring a highly customizable apocalyptic experience within the game's intricate planetary systems.

3 Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

Crisping Planets To Bits On Gigantic Machines Of War

  • This game revolves around the destruction of planets using colossal war machines
  • Its multiplayer mode intensifies the galactic chaos and destruction

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS stands out as a game centered on planet-wrecking, featuring escalating warfare across land, air, sea, and space, culminating in cataclysmic planetary annihilation.

4 Space Empires 4

An Old-School Planet Killer Tech With Plenty Of Possibility

  • The game introduces stellar manipulation tech for creating or annihilating entire worlds and stars
  • These superweapons demand careful consideration due to their high cost and irreversible consequences

Despite its dated graphics, Space Empires 4 offers a sophisticated take on galactic weaponry, providing players with the means to reshape celestial bodies and even stars, albeit at significant costs and irreversible outcomes.

5 Endless Space 2

Endlessly Fun Armageddon (In Space!)

  • The game features planet-destroying missiles, offering long-range devastation capabilities
  • These superweapons necessitate substantial recharging after use, adding strategic depth to their deployment

In Endless Space 2, players can utilize planet-destroying modules and missiles, enabling them to unleash devastating attacks from a distance, albeit with extended recharge times, introducing strategic considerations into their utilization.

6 Star Wars: Rebellion

Millions Of Voices All Crying Out In Terror, The Game

  • Despite dated visuals, the game offers a unique experience of wielding the Death Star to obliterate planets
  • Players must manage the Death Star's defense, adding strategic depth to the planet-destroying capabilities

Star Wars: Rebellion grants players the opportunity to construct and utilize the Death Star, adding a strategic layer to planetary destruction within the Star Wars universe, offering a unique experience for fans of the franchise.