Exploring South Park: Snow Day

A detailed look at South Park: Snow Day, uncovering its strengths and weaknesses within the franchise.
Exploring South Park: Snow Day


  • The game offers a budget-friendly experience compared to its predecessors.
  • The humor in the game, while irreverent, lacks the depth and range of the TV show.
  • The core gameplay, though repetitive, provides some fun moments amidst its limitations.

While South Park: Snow Day may not match its predecessors visually, it attempts to follow the legacy of The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole. Priced at $29.99, it falls short in design compared to its full-priced predecessors, offering some entertainment but lacking the signature South Park essence.

The plot revolves around the main characters—Cartman, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny—struggling with the New Kid's dominance in their role-playing adventures. The backdrop of an unnatural blizzard adds a twist to the storyline, yet the game fails to reach the comedic and narrative heights set by previous installments.

A Missing South Park Essence

South Park: Snow Day maintains the franchise's trademark irreverent humor, focusing heavily on toilet humor but in small doses. While the transition to 3D is commendable, the game's humor is primarily confined to cutscenes, lacking the depth and variety of the TV series. The repetitive nature of the jokes, centered around bodily functions, diminishes the overall comedic impact.

Introducing Dark Matter as a core element reflects the game's humor style but quickly becomes tiresome, failing to capture the charm of classic South Park humor. The game also overlooks many iconic characters and fails to explore the rich tapestry of the South Park universe.

Repetitive Gameplay Loop

South Park: Snow Day features five missions following a roguelike structure, each culminating in a battle with a core character from the series. The limited weapon and power options restrict player creativity, leading to repetitive gameplay experiences. Despite offering a range of abilities and upgrades, the lack of variety hampers long-term engagement.

The game's level design lacks diversity, with missions feeling stagnant after completion, diminishing replay value. Additional content like the 'To Danse With Ravenous Shadows' DLC offers little innovation, further highlighting the game's muted experience.

A Subdued Gaming Experience

While South Park: Snow Day has its entertaining moments, it falls short of delivering a compelling experience. The game's budget-friendly approach sacrifices depth and replayability, resulting in a forgettable journey for both roguelike enthusiasts and South Park fans.

South Park: Snow Day is set to release on March 26 for PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S, offering a glimpse into a unique but flawed addition to the franchise. Game Rant received a Steam code for review purposes.