Customizing Your Look in South Park Snow Day: Outfit Changes and Cosmetics Unlocking

Discover a range of cosmetic items to personalize your character in South Park: Snow Day.
Customizing Your Look in South Park Snow Day: Outfit Changes and Cosmetics Unlocking


  • Unlock new cosmetics by completing objectives, story chapters, and achievements.
  • Purchase cosmetic items from the Bazaar using PP earned in-game.
  • Change your outfit by buying and equipping items from the Bazaar.

Embarking on your adventure in South Park: Snow Day allows you to craft a unique identity for your character. Initially, your choices are limited, but through gameplay, you'll amass a diverse collection of items to redefine your character's appearance and style.

Acquiring More Cosmetics in South Park: Snow Day

Customizing your character in South Park: Snow Day with new Hats, Glasses, or Tunics is straightforward. Completing objectives, conquering story chapters, and fulfilling achievements will gradually unlock a plethora of cosmetic options for your character.

Another avenue to expand your cosmetic collection is by journeying back to the Kupa Keep camp and browsing Tweak and Craig's Bazaar. Here, you can use PP, earned through various in-game activities like boss fights and looting, to purchase a variety of cosmetic items.

As you progress and accumulate PP, you'll soon have the means to acquire new items. The Bazaar boasts a selection of iconic cosmetics inspired by memorable South Park episodes and jokes, including the renowned Chinpokomon shirt, ensuring you'll find a quirky or stylish addition for your character.

Changing Your Outfit in South Park: Snow Day

Altering your character's appearance in South Park: Snow Day involves purchasing items from the Bazaar and utilizing the equip option post-purchase confirmation.