Discovering Common Features in Soulslike Games: Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade

Unveiling the shared elements between Aggro Crab's Another Crab's Treasure and Shift Up's Stellar Blade, two seemingly distinct Soulslike games.
Discovering Common Features in Soulslike Games: Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade


  • 2024 marks the rise of Soulslike games with titles like Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade gaining popularity.
  • Both games revolve around platforming and combat mechanics, employing a Balance system for strategic advantages.
  • Fashion plays a significant role in Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade, offering players a variety of gear and shells for customization.

The gaming landscape in 2024 is witnessing a surge in Soulslike games, with titles like Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade capturing the attention of players. While these two games, developed by Aggro Crab and Shift Up respectively, appear to be vastly different on the surface, they surprisingly share numerous core features that define the Soulslike genre.

In Another Crab's Treasure, players embody Kril, a hermit crab embarking on an underwater quest to reclaim his stolen shell, while Stellar Blade follows EVE, a superhuman warrior dispatched to Earth to eradicate an alien menace.

Exploring the Similarities

Platforming Focus

Traditional Soulslike games rarely emphasize platforming, as it can reduce the overall challenge by providing increased mobility. Surprisingly, both Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade place a significant emphasis on platforming elements. While Another Crab's Treasure boasts polished platforming mechanics compared to Stellar Blade, both games require players to navigate challenging terrains through platforming segments.

Shared Combat Mechanics

Combat stands as a cornerstone in any Soulslike experience, a principle upheld by both Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade. Beyond basic attacks, these games intertwine similar combat mechanics, notably the utilization of the Balance system.

In Another Crab's Treasure, players can disrupt an enemy's Balance meter through successive strikes, leading to a powerful Charged Attack that incapacitates the foe. On the other hand, Stellar Blade encourages players to deplete an adversary's Balance by executing perfect parries, unlocking a devastating 'Retribution' attack. Additionally, both games feature unique abilities like 'Shell Spells' in Another Crab's Treasure and 'Beta and Burst skills' in Stellar Blade, enhancing combat dynamics.

Fashion Forward Approach

Character customization through fashion is a shared focal point in Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade. Players can acquire a plethora of Nano Suits in Stellar Blade, with even more options available in its New Game Plus mode. Meanwhile, Another Crab's Treasure offers a variety of protective and stylish 'shells' for Kril, reflecting a commitment to the 'Fashion Souls' concept.

The convergence of features between Another Crab's Treasure and Stellar Blade underscores a potential evolution of the Soulslike genre, hinting at innovative pathways beyond conventional tropes.