Sony's Innovative Approach to Enhance NPC Behavior in Video Games

A recently unveiled patent suggests that Sony is exploring novel software to elevate the behavior of non-playable characters (NPCs) in the gaming world.
Sony's Innovative Approach to Enhance NPC Behavior in Video Games


  • Sony is leveraging machine learning software to refine NPC movements and perspectives in video games, as indicated in a recent patent unveiling.
  • The software is designed to enhance NPC control by amalgamating data from both a recorded human play session and the live player-directed character.
  • This pioneering system has the potential to heighten the authenticity of AI-controlled movements and potentially minimize awkward NPC behaviors during missions.

As per a recently disclosed patent, Sony Interactive Entertainment is in the process of developing software that employs machine learning to enhance NPC movements and perspectives in video games. In recent months, multiple patents from Sony have shed light on the company's endeavors to introduce new innovations in gaming, with this latest patent joining the list of Sony's ongoing development projects.

Renowned as a powerhouse in the technology and entertainment domains, Sony is a Japanese conglomerate with subsidiaries specializing in film, music, gaming, and more. It is widely recognized as the parent company of the PlayStation gaming consoles, and its patents consistently illustrate Sony's commitment to advancing video game functionality.

The latest Sony patent outlines a system wherein machine learning adapts player inputs and viewpoints to refine the movements and viewpoints of non-playable characters in games. The objective is to revamp the existing process of solely relying on AI to control NPCs by integrating data from both a recorded session and the live playable character. Essentially, instead of tying NPC movements and perspectives strictly to developer input data, a machine learning system would enhance the NPC by incorporating real-time movement and perspective data from the player-controlled character. Prior Sony patents that incorporate player input have often aimed to heighten realism in video games. However, it's important to note that companies frequently file patents that may never materialize into actual implementation.

Unveiling the Patent Details for Sony's Machine Learning NPC Software

According to Figures 2 and 3 of the Sony patent, the machine learning software would receive data from the playable character's viewpoint, replicate that information, generate a duplicated display, and utilize this copy to train the AI controlling the NPC. This would work in conjunction with the existing utilization of a "training set," or developer human play session, to feed the machine learning model and AI. While similar implementations exist, they often rely solely on the playable character's perspective. In contrast, this software would employ machine learning to adjust inputs for the NPC perspective, thereby enhancing realism in AI-controlled movement.

For instance, in escort missions within video games, NPCs frequently mimic player movements, such as jumping simultaneously. With this innovative software, the NPC would jump only when their perspective indicates that they are in the same location as the player character when jumping. This could potentially diminish awkward NPC movements during escort missions, like NPCs failing to time a jump over a gap, and could elevate the authenticity of spectator views of NPC characters. Whether this machine learning model will be actualized remains to be seen, but it does offer enthusiasts a glimpse into Sony's research and development pursuits.

While patents from gaming companies continue to generate discussions among consumers, it's essential to bear in mind that patents, trademarks, and copyright filings do not guarantee the realization of an idea. Nevertheless, many players use these disclosures to glean insights into the potential future endeavors of Sony and other companies.