Enhancing Your Arsenal: A Guide to Upgrading Weapons in Sons of the Forest

Discover the secrets to boosting your weapon's power in Sons of the Forest and fortify your defenses against the island's threats.
Enhancing Your Arsenal: A Guide to Upgrading Weapons in Sons of the Forest


  • Locate the Solafite Upgrader blueprint to enhance your weapons
  • Gather the required materials and use the Solafite Upgrader effectively
  • Defend against mutant attacks during the upgrade process for a 30% damage increase

Amidst the myriad changes introduced in the recent Sons of the Forest 1.0 update, players can now elevate their combat capabilities by upgrading their weapons. Surviving the island's constant onslaught of hostile mutants and cannibals necessitates a well-equipped arsenal. Ensuring your weapons pack a punch can be a game-changer in this perilous environment.

From primitive clubs to sophisticated firearms, the range of weapons available to players is diverse. Crafting ammunition becomes increasingly challenging over time, making weapon upgrades a strategic choice to conserve resources. While the upgrade process is fraught with risks, the rewards of enhanced damage output are undoubtedly worth the effort. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to upgrade all your weapons in Sons of the Forest.

Mastering the Weapon Upgrade Process

To embark on the weapon enhancement journey, players must first acquire the Solafite Upgrader blueprint. This essential tool can be constructed after discovering its schematic in a secluded cave located on the southwestern side of the island's golf course, as indicated on the map.

Navigating the Solafite Upgrader Cave

Locate the cave entrance—a crevice within a rocky outcrop. Descend into darkness via a rope and illuminate your path with a lighter or flashlight. Progress through the cave until you reach a chamber with a small waterfall cascading into a pool of water.

Exploring the rocky terrain near the waterfall's base may yield valuable supplies such as a meal pack, energy drink, and an air tank. Equip your Rebreather to dive into the pool and navigate an underwater passage leading to a cavernous expanse. Maneuver through a narrow gap between rocks to advance further.

The cave presents two diverging paths: a blocked entrance to the left, breakable with an axe, and another waterfall to the right. Opt for the left passage to uncover the coveted Solafite Upgrader blueprint.

Located near the cave entrance next to a skeletal remains, the blueprint marks a crucial milestone in your upgrade quest. Further exploration may lead to the discovery of an Artifact Piece along the path or a Pickaxe in an alternate route.

Utilizing the Solafite Upgrader

Constructing the Solafite Upgrader demands the following resources:

  • Four Golf Cart Batteries
  • Three Turtle Shells
  • Seven Stones
  • 11 Sticks
  • Three Wires

The machine's functionality hinges on Solafite, a mineral extractable using the Pickaxe from various caverns. Operating the Solafite Upgrader entails:

While the upgrade process unfolds amidst thunderstorms and rainfall, signaling its operation, players must brace themselves for mutant incursions. Expect a wave of formidable foes like Puffies, Twins, Fingers, and even the monstrous Armsy during the upgrade period.

Prioritize setting traps, stocking up on health items, and readying your weapons before initiating an upgrade. Upon depleting the Solafite reservoir, skies clear, unveiling your newly upgraded weapon adorned with a 30% damage enhancement, encased in a distinctive gold sheen to signify the successful enhancement. Notably, all weapons except bows and crossbows are upgradeable.