Sons Of The Forest: Essential Tips and Tricks for Success

New to Sons of the Forest? Here's everything you need to know to survive and thrive in this challenging game.
Sons Of The Forest: Essential Tips and Tricks for Success


  • Utilize traps to protect against cannibal attacks and keep them at bay without engaging in combat.
  • Activate Point of Interest (POI) laptops to make locations visible on the GPS and find essential items for progression.
  • Keep Kelvin alive and guide him to collect resources and perform actions, as he is an irreplaceable asset for single players.

Sons of the Forest is the second title in the survival horror series, The Forest, and it challenges players in new and exciting ways. Unfortunately, the island is just as unforgiving, which quickly becomes evident within the first few hours of being stranded. Whether finding food and water or fighting off the many cannibal tribes, gamers have their work cut out to survive for as long as possible.

The first few days on the island are critical to set them up for success, so prioritizing certain things will help in the long run as they play through the storyline and uncover the truth behind it all. Even if players have played the first game, many new gameplay features exist to explore. So, here are some tips and tricks for beginners to help them survive in Sons of the Forest.

Updated January 2, 2024, by Taylor Pittman: Since its early access release in February 2023, Sons of the Forest has received several major updates. These updates include new gameplay, performance enhancements, and features that push the survival game to new limits. Key survival features and challenges have been added to the game, along with explorable areas that keep the experience fresh for all players. We have updated this list to include more beginner Sons of the Forest tips and tricks and to maintain accuracy.

1 Utilize Traps at Bases

Traps Protect Against Cannibal Attacks

More and more cannibals start spawning on the island as the days pass. Once players set up a base, it doesn't take the locals long to start investigating their presence. The scouts start out harmless, but eventually, nearby cannibals will launch an attack. Luckily, you can build traps to deter them.

Various types of traps are available, including sound alarms, animal traps, and even hardcore weapons. Players can build them using their Survival Handbook's blueprints. While the handbook has basic traps, players can find blueprints hidden on the island for complex weapons. The better traps usually require uncommon items, so players should make sure they are collecting as many things as possible. If they place traps around their base, they can keep cannibals at bay without having to engage in combat.

2 Activate All POI Laptops

POI Laptops Sync with the GPS

As of Patch 04, players are required to activate Point of Interest (POI) laptops to make their locations on their GPS. These laptops are strategically placed in important caves and bunkers. Players will find weapons, 3D Printers, containers, and Key Cards that are essential to storyline progression. However, the map in Sons of the Forest is huge, so these locations can be hard to relocate without the GPS marker.

POI laptops only need to be activated once to appear on the GPS. There are seven POI laptops, and most are found on the island's northwest side. The only POI laptop east of the mountain is at the final boss cave. Many are easy to locate, but players must find certain ones before they can access them. Items like the Shovel and Rebreather are required to access the late-game POI laptops.

3 Keep Kelvin Alive

Kelvin Can Fish, Craft, and Collect Items for Players

Kelvin is one of the first AI companions with players. He is a fellow rescue team member sent to the island to find the billionaire Puffton family that went missing almost a month ago. However, the helicopter crash has left him with no hearing and perhaps some slight brain damage. Regardless, Kelvin is an irreplaceable asset, especially for those not playing multiplayer. Players can guide him using a notepad with a list of the following commands:

  • Collecting sticks and rocks
  • Cutting down trees
  • And building structures.

Treat Kelvin nicely and give him breaks, as he is a learning AI and will refuse to perform the commanded actions if he feels abused or overworked. Additionally, the cannibals will attack him if he is nearby and knock him down, but he can be healed if players move fast. Otherwise, once Kelvin is dead, he stays that way, and the only way to get another Kelvin is to start a new playthrough or use a cheat.

4 Loot Every Container

Containers Have Useful Survival Items

Players must keep food, water, crafting materials, and ammo stock. These can all be picked up from the many containers, abandoned camps, and bodies strewn across the forest. The helicopter site is the best way to start collecting things since there are quite a few resources in all the containers spread around. Some things to watch for in Containers are:

  • Meds
  • Batteries
  • Light Bulbs
  • Meal packs
  • And ammo

Camps are a goldmine of resources. They attract cannibals, so try not to linger too much when looting them. There is a lot to discover in the caves and underground facilities hidden on the island. These are extra dangerous to explore because most are overrun with mutant cannibals that are harder to defeat and more violent. So, it is still worth exploring them as they have some beneficial resources that may not be found above ground.

5 Build A Base Near Freshwater

Clean Water is Needed for Cooking and Hydrating

One thing players should do early on in their playthrough is build a home base. It is nice to have somewhere to return to after exploring the island, especially if it has many defenses and is located near the water. Building a base near fresh water is incredibly helpful for several reasons. First, players can collect water to fill their thirst meter if they have a river or lake nearby. All water must be boiled before drinking, or it will make you sick. Also, freshwater typically has fish, so getting food will be easier.

However, it is a good idea to be wary of nearby cannibal camps as they also like to stay closer to a freshwater supply. Most rivers or lakes have good visibility, so players can defend themselves against attacks more easily; just be aware of the risks of setting up in certain spots. Setting things up like defensive walls, traps, and lookout towers is the best way to protect the base.

6 Search For Key Items Early On

Key Items include Weapons, Tools, and Travel Equipment

Several essential items are needed to progress in the storyline and explore particular areas, especially the underground. Players should strive to locate these as soon as possible because the longer they are on the island, the more dangerous it is because more cannibals and mutants will start spawning. Also, many good weapons require prerequisite items to access them, so it is imperative to find them if they want to defend themselves successfully.

Some examples include of Key Items include the following:

  • The rebreather
  • The shovel
  • The rope gun
  • The can opener

Since most of these items are found in the caves, players will want to be prepared for the journey after them by having at least one projectile weapon and a good light source, such as a flashlight. Grabbing all the key items early on helps minimize the danger while exploring the island and unlocks neat items that make surviving much easier. Most are marked on the map, so take the time to hit every point of interest.

7 Prepare For Winter

Stamina Drains Faster in Winter

Sons of the Forest has a complete four-season cycle, with each lasting about 4–6 days. The most challenging season by far is winter due to the harsh weather conditions and the lack of instructions on managing it. Players will know winter is coming when the trees start changing into fall colors, and they can prepare for it as needed. The most important part is finding a way to stay warm. Whenever cold, especially cold and wet, stamina drains faster and is harder to maintain. This slows players down immensely and makes gathering materials, combat, and running almost impossible to do in a timely manner.

Sitting near a fire is the obvious solution whenever it gets cold, but staying in one place is not always doable. A workaround is to craft a torch in the inventory using a stick, a cloth, and the lighter from the emergency pack. While the torch is lit and in hand, players won't get cold. The second option is to find the winter jacket on the snowy mountain.

8 Befriend Virginia

Virginia Can Assist with Combat Against Cannibals

Virginia is the second NPC that players have the opportunity to work with. Unlike Kelvin, her loyalty isn't promised initially, and the relationship is strictly on her terms. She has six limbs in total, three legs and three arms. She is nonviolent towards the player, so don't attack her despite her unsettling appearance. Virginia will approach as early on as the first day of survival. She is skittish at first and keeps her distance, choosing to observe rather than engage.

Make sure to put away all weapons and be as nonthreatening as possible when she appears. The best part about Virginia is that, unlike Kelvin, she can hold and use guns once she decides to trust the player. Virginia will autonomously hunt for players and fight cannibals if handed one of the firearms. She may be scared at first, but after enough run-ins with cannibals, she becomes a fierce fighter. Keeping her happy is easy, just be nice to her and try and find her winter clothes for when it gets cold because she hates winter.

9 Save The Game Often

Players Can Save at Beds, Shelters, and Sleeping Bags

Players should save the game whenever possible, especially after finding key items or unlocking a new area. The only way to save the game is to have a tent or a bed. There are abandoned tents around the forest; one can be built using a tarp and a stick. Beds can also be created using a blueprint from the survivor's handbook. To save, approach a shelter or bed and hold down "E".

If players die, they will get one freebie where they will spawn somewhere tied up and can cut themselves loose. Their backpack will be nearby, and they can carry on business as usual. However, if they get knocked out twice in one playthrough, they die and will have to restart or load back at their last save point. So, to make sure no progress is lost, throw down a tarp and save as often as possible.