Sons of the Forest: Mastering the Foodie Challenge

Conquering the Foodie achievement in Sons of the Forest may seem overwhelming, but with the right guidance, you can easily navigate the world of edible items.
Sons of the Forest: Mastering the Foodie Challenge


  • Discover how to conquer the Foodie challenge
  • Uncover the diverse range of edible items in Sons of the Forest
  • Follow a comprehensive list of all edible types to ensure success

Embark on the Foodie Challenge within Sons of the Forest presents a thrilling quest, demanding players to savor each edible treat the game offers. While this task may seem daunting, especially for novice survivors, fear not! Our guide is here to pave the way for your triumph. We'll walk you through the precise steps needed to claim this prestigious trophy and present you with an exhaustive catalog of edible delights found in Sons of the Forest. Here's your ultimate roadmap to achieving the Foodie accolade in the latest update.

How to Master the Foodie Challenge

To conquer the Foodie challenge, simply indulge in a variety of edible treats. From berries and mushrooms to meats and beverages, you must sample them all. Yes, even the potentially dangerous Snowberries! Remember, you don't need to taste different versions of the same food to progress; a bite of burnt meat equals that of raw meat in your journey.

Catalog of Edible Delights in Sons of the Forest

Your quest demands savoring 38 distinct edible types to seize the Foodie triumph. The following compendium outlines each item you must taste and provides guidance on their whereabouts.


Forage berries from bushes scattered across the island.

  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Guarana Berries
  • Salmonberries
  • Snowberries
  • Twinberries


Scour the forest for these fungal delights.

  • Fly Amanita
  • Hydnum Repandum
  • King Oyster
  • Shiitake


Pluck herbs from the wild or cultivate them in your camp.

  • Aloe Vera
  • Arrowleaf
  • Chicory
  • Devil's club
  • Fireweed
  • Horsetail
  • Yarrow

Healer Beverages

Combine various plants to brew healing concoctions.

  • Energy Mix
  • Energy Mix+
  • Health Mix
  • Health Mix+


Hunt, fish, or scavenge for these protein-rich morsels.

  • Arm
  • Leg
  • Bacon
  • Brain
  • Steak Bites
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Oyster
  • Turtle Eggs


Rummage through crates for these lasting food items. (The Food and Dining Bunker is a prime spot for such provisions.)

  • Canned Food
  • Crunchie Wunchies
  • Energy Drink
  • Meds
  • MRE Pack
  • Energy Bar
  • Ramen Noodles


Stay refreshed by drinking from freshwater sources like rivers and lakes.