The Fate of Kelvin in Sons of the Forest Game

Exploring whether Kelvin can meet his demise and how to restore him in Sons of the Forest gameplay.
The Fate of Kelvin in Sons of the Forest Game


  • Kelvin's Vulnerability to Peril
  • Consequences of Kelvin's Death
  • Reviving Kelvin in the Game

Sons of the Forest is an immersive sci-fi horror and survival experience that throws players into a world inhabited by cannibals and mutants. The game begins with a rescue mission for the Puffton family that takes an unexpected turn when the helicopter crashes, leaving only one survivor – Kelvin.

As a non-playable character (NPC), Kelvin is designed to support players in various activities like hunting, construction, and providing companionship in the wild. Though silent, he alerts players to nearby threats. However, players must be aware that Kelvin is not impervious to attacks from enemies and can sustain damage, raising concerns among Sons of the Forest enthusiasts about his mortality.

Is Kelvin Mortal?

In the realm of Sons of the Forest, Kelvin can indeed meet his end. While he won't perish from natural causes, he can be eliminated by hostile forces or even by the player's actions. Kelvin can endure significant harm before succumbing, but his demise is inevitable if the damage threshold is breached. Should players harm but not kill him, Kelvin will become distrustful and less cooperative.

Unlike Virginia, who can be armed for self-defense, Kelvin lacks this capability and must resort to evasion and concealment when danger looms. On a positive note, players need not fret about Kelvin's safety in caves as he remains outside, ready to reunite upon their return.

After Kelvin's Demise

Once Kelvin meets his end, he exits the current save file, leaving no option for recovery unless players construct over his remains. If players have befriended Virginia, she will grieve his loss. To resurrect Kelvin, players must initiate a new save, employ a mod, or manipulate the save file.

Restoring Kelvin's Vitality

Kelvin's fate hinges on subsequent attacks after being incapacitated – players can revive him by promptly aiding him with an 'E' interaction. In some instances, revival may be impeded by ongoing assaults. Kelvin may self-heal, await player intervention, or face finality. Once revitalized, he typically flees until the danger subsides.

To resurrect Kelvin post-mortem, players must manipulate the save files. Detailed instructions are available below for reviving Kelvin in Sons of the Forest:

Upon save reload, Kelvin reappears alive and kicking, following the same revival process applicable to Virginia.