Sons of the Forest: A Guide to Fishing

Learn how to efficiently catch fish, a vital food source in Sons of the Forest.
Sons of the Forest: A Guide to Fishing


  • Craft fish traps to catch fish in the game
  • Optimize fish storage by drying and cooking them
  • Enhance player strength with cooked fish meals

Survival in Sons of the Forest demands self-reliance. After a decade of development, Endnight has produced a chilling survival horror game that will captivate fans of the Forest series. Players can delve into the accessible building system, combat cannibals and mutants, and unravel the mysteries shrouding the island.

Well-being and endurance are crucial for island exploration. Whether through hunting, farming, or consuming preserved foods scattered across the woods, players must maintain their health. A convenient food source readily available in the game is fish. Although abundant in various water bodies on the island, capturing fish can be time-intensive. Here is a comprehensive manual on how to effectively catch fish in Sons of the Forest.

Mastering the Art of Fishing in Sons of the Forest

In Sons of the Forest, players do not possess fishing rods. Instead, they must construct a fish trap to ensnare aquatic life. Utilizing the Building Handbook, accessible from the inventory or by pressing 'B,' players can craft fish traps under the Traps section, requiring 25 sticks for construction.

Fish can only be caught in visible areas, commonly found in places like the mountain stream or the beach shoreline. After locating a suitable fishing spot, deploy the building blueprint into the water and insert the necessary materials. Assistance from Kelvin in stick gathering and construction completion can expedite the process. Fish will enter the trap individually, allowing players to carry a maximum of three in their inventory.

Raw, cooked, or dried, fish offer versatile consumption options. Optimal preservation is achieved by hanging them on a drying rack, ensuring indefinite shelf life. The drying rack blueprint is accessible in the Build Handbook. Surplus catches can be stored on the rack, pleasing Kelvin and Virginia.

To cook fish, a fire and a cooking pot are necessary. Cooking pots are obtainable from various deserted campsites. While cooked fish doesn't last as long as dried fish, consuming it provides a strength boost. The availability of ingredients determines the feasibility of preparing meals. Placing the cooking pot over an open flame reveals the available recipes in the grid menu.