Discover What's New in SMT5: Vengeance Trailer 2

Atlus and Sega unveil fresh insights into SMT5: Vengeance, showcasing new locations, story elements, and demons in their latest trailer.
Discover What's New in SMT5: Vengeance Trailer 2


  • Explore the second gameplay trailer of SMT5: Vengeance released on April 5.
  • Get a glimpse of new demons, locations, and an alternate Nahobino form in the three-minute video.
  • Mark your calendar for the definitive edition release of SMT5 on June 14, 2024.

Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance has revealed fresh story details, demons, and locations in its latest trailer. The SMT5: Vengeance trailer provided fans with a sneak peek at what's to come.

Officially announced by Atlus and Sega in late February, SMT5: Vengeance is set to hit the shelves in June. This definitive edition of the fifth SMT installment will include the base game, all DLCs, an alternate story path, new combat features, and demons.

Familiar and New Demons Await in SMT5: Vengeance

The game's second gameplay trailer, released by Sega on April 5, introduces familiar demons like Gurulu, Azazel, and Mastema, alongside new locations. Players can anticipate exploring Tokyo beyond the apocalyptic setting.

A new demon, Amabie, makes an appearance in the trailer, drawing inspiration from Japanese mythology. Fans may recall Atlus sharing the creature's concept art in 2021 as a symbol of hope during the pandemic.

The trailer also showcases a revamped look for Nahobino, hinting at a significant character transformation tied to the Canon of Vengeance storyline. Additionally, Yoko Hiromine, a new character, is teased, with her role shrouded in mystery. Originally slated for June 21, the game's release is now set for June 14, with pre-orders available since February.