Unraveling the Mystery: Lana Lang's Potential as a Witch in Smallville

Exploring the latent magical potential of Smallville's Lana Lang and her ancestral ties to witchcraft.
Unraveling the Mystery: Lana Lang's Potential as a Witch in Smallville


  • Lana Lang's ancestry raises questions about her potential as a witch in Smallville
  • Witches as a sub-race of metahumans in Smallville and their unique powers
  • The potential for Lana Lang to develop magical abilities in Smallville

Lana Lang's character in DCU's Smallville encompassed various roles, including that of a businesswoman, a vigilante, and the love interest of many. However, her ancestral background has sparked discussions about her potential as a witch.

Witches in the world of DC Comics are often descendants of a specific human race known as Homo Magi, individuals born with the innate ability to manipulate magic. These individuals are known by various titles such as witches, magicians, sorcerers, and wizards. Notably, one of the most powerful magicians in the DC universe is Zatanna Zatara, who also made an appearance in DCU's Smallville. While Zatanna is half-Magi, she possesses significant magical prowess. Lana Lang, on the other hand, has a distinct connection to the witches of Smallville.

Unveiling the World of Witches in Smallville

In Smallville, not all metahumans were affected by kryptonite meteors or were of alien origin like Clark Kent. Witches emerged as a sub-race of metahumans in the series during season 4. Their abilities stem from their capacity to channel magical energy, intentionally manifesting various phenomena or effects. This can be accomplished through diverse means, such as chanting spells or utilizing the power of their minds. Magic consistently posed a challenge for Clark, as conventional weapons were ineffective against him, whereas enchanted objects could penetrate his defenses.

Zatanna Zatara stood out as the most prominent and powerful magic wielder in the series. Her magical practices often involved reciting spells in reverse. Zatanna utilized her magic both as a stage performer and a heroine, yet her tendency to inadvertently cause trouble by granting wishes was evident. It is perplexing that Clark harbored doubts about the authenticity of Zatanna's magic in a world where he encountered numerous metahumans regularly. This skepticism is particularly surprising given the series of episodes that introduced witches and magic to the world of Smallville in season 4, including an incident where Lana Lang became possessed by Countess Thoreaux, a mischievous figure akin to Zatanna.

Lana Lang's Witch Ancestry in Smallville

Countess Margaret Isobel Thoreaux, a French witch and aristocrat from the 17th century, emerged in season 4 as a pivotal figure. Described by Jason Teague as a 'warrior princess who kicked a lot of ass and broke a lot of hearts,' her resemblance to Lana Lang, a descendant of hers, is striking. The Countess, through possessing Lana, revived members of her coven through Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan. While the Countess's status as a Homo Magi akin to Zatanna Zatara was not explicitly stated, her existence as a witch in Smallville raises the possibility that Lana Lang might share a similar magical lineage.

It is conceivable for witches to exist without being Homo Magi, although the source of their powers is not always clearly delineated. If the Countess indeed belonged to the Homo Magi, it would imply that Lana Lang, as her descendant, possesses a degree of Homo Magi heritage as well. Alternatively, if the Countess was a homo-sapiens who became a witch through alternative means, it would suggest that Lana Lang, as Isobel's descendant, potentially has the capacity to develop similar magical abilities in Smallville.

The Countess wielded formidable magic, compelling Lex Luthor to play the piano incessantly and enchanting an entire party, including Clark Kent. She even temporarily deprived Clark of his powers and harbored ambitions of world domination. Lana Lang's witch ancestry implies her potential to manifest magical abilities in Smallville. While the series depicted her manipulation of magic through her possession by Countess Thoreaux, there is no reason why Lana could not independently learn magic. Smallville Season 11 revealed her loss of powers from the series, yet as a resilient warrior, Lana Lang retains the potential to redefine herself as a witch in DCU's Smallville owing to her mystical connection to Countess Margaret Isobel Thoreaux.