Unprecedented Skyrim Speedrun: Defeating the Ebony Warrior in Record Time

Witness a remarkable Skyrim player achieving the impossible by vanquishing the formidable Ebony Warrior boss within a mere 12 minutes of gameplay.
Unprecedented Skyrim Speedrun: Defeating the Ebony Warrior in Record Time


  • A Skyrim speedrunner breaks a longstanding world record by swiftly defeating the Ebony Warrior within 12 minutes of starting the game.
  • Utilizing various Skyrim glitches, the speedrun exploits shortcuts to reach the necessary level for battling the mighty boss.
  • This extraordinary run shatters a speedrun record that has remained unbeaten for over three years, showcasing the limitless creativity within the Skyrim gaming community.

A skilled Skyrim speedrunner has made history by obliterating a three-year-old world record, transitioning from the game's outset to conquering the Ebony Warrior in under 12 minutes. The realm of Skyrim speedrunning continues to thrive, offering a diverse array of challenges, with this particular feat standing out as exceptionally unique.

Given the vast freedom granted by Bethesda games, players often embark on repeat playthroughs to test their prowess in challenge runs. These runs frequently impose self-imposed restrictions on players to enhance the game's difficulty and enjoyment. For instance, a Skyrim player completed the game while roleplaying as a Sith Lord, exemplifying the dedication required to play in unconventional ways, regardless of typical choices. The game's openness to such varied approaches is a key factor driving players back to Skyrim nearly 13 years after its initial release.

YouTuber nuculus shared a riveting video of the remarkable Skyrim speedrun, showcasing the defeat of the Ebony Warrior in a mere 11 minutes and 47 seconds. This achievement significantly surpasses the previous world record set by Waz, lasting over three years at 14 minutes and 27 seconds. Initiating the run from the game's introduction, nuculus leverages multiple Skyrim glitches to rapidly elevate their character to level 80, focusing on enhancing Alchemy, Block, Enchanting, Heavy Armor, and Speech skills along the journey. When confronting the Ebony Warrior, they swiftly dispatch him with a single blow, culminating the speedrun in a record-breaking time.

Unprecedented Victory: Toppling the Ebony Warrior in Under 12 Minutes

Skyrim's Ebony Warrior is renowned as one of the game's most formidable adversaries, emerging only when players attain level 80. Regarded almost as a game's final challenge, he tests the skills players have refined throughout extensive gameplay. Some Skyrim enthusiasts have even achieved the remarkable feat of defeating the Ebony Warrior in a single strike on Legendary difficulty, a remarkable accomplishment in its own right. Nonetheless, nucular's remarkable speedrun demonstrates that with meticulous preparation, this daunting task can be accomplished in under 12 minutes.

While Skyrim's speedrunning community remains vibrant, many are eagerly anticipating the release of The Elder Scrolls 6, poised to attract enthusiasts to the new installment. Although the game has been officially confirmed since its 2018 announcement, updates on the title have been scarce until recently. Recent revelations indicate that The Elder Scrolls 6 has entered a playable phase, exciting news for those eager to embark on a new journey in Tamriel. With Starfield now launched, fans are hopeful that Bethesda will soon unveil more details about the highly anticipated Elder Scrolls sequel.