Become a Skyrim Expert: Mastering the Dragon Aspect Shout & Finding Its Power Locations

Unleash the incredible power of the Dragon Aspect Shout in Skyrim and discover the hidden locations of its Words of Power.
Become a Skyrim Expert: Mastering the Dragon Aspect Shout & Finding Its Power Locations


  • Learn how to unlock the full potential of the Dragon Aspect Shout
  • Explore unique locations to find the Words of Power for this mighty ability
  • Enhance your gameplay by mastering the Dragon Aspect Shout effects and combos

Unleash the incredible power of the Dragon Aspect Shout in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim to dominate your enemies in combat. This Shout not only provides armor enchantments but also summons an Ancient Dragonborn ally to assist you when your health is low, casting powerful Shouts against foes.

The dragon-themed armor enhances your resistance to fire and frost, reduces Shout recharge time, and allows you to combine various Shouts for devastating effects. To fully harness this power, players need to locate three unique Words of Power, each offering significant enhancements to the Shout's abilities. Let's delve into the locations of these Words of Power and how to utilize them effectively.

Understanding the Dragon Aspect Shout in Skyrim

To fully unlock the potential of the Dragon Aspect shout, players must discover three Words of Power scattered across Solstheim. As each Word is acquired and activated with Dragon Souls, the conjured dragon armor gains visual and technical upgrades, boosting its effectiveness in battle.

These Word locations are detailed below, allowing players to pursue them in any order except for the final one, which is linked to the Dragonborn DLC quest's conclusion. While playing through the DLC storyline, players are likely to encounter these Words of Power naturally, enhancing their overall gameplay experience. All Words of Power can be found on the island of Solstheim, introduced in the Dragonborn DLC.

Word of Power - Strength

The first Word of Power can be located in the Temple of Miraak, situated at the heart of Solstheim. As part of the Dragonborn DLC main quests, players will reach this temple after visiting Raven Rock. Defeating the 'Gate-keeper,' an ancient Draugr guarding the word wall, allows players to invest Dragon Souls and unlock the initial effect of the Shout, empowering their weapons with additional damage-dealing capabilities.

By acquiring this Word early in the DLC storyline, players can swiftly access its benefits after securing passage to Raven Rock.

Word of Power - Armor

The second Word of Power, Armor, is found within the Raven Rock Mines in northern Solstheim. This Word is not part of the main DLC questline, offering players the ability to summon an Ancient Dragonborn ally in combat. To obtain this Word, players must complete the side quest 'The Final Descent' within the mines, which rewards them with unique items like the Bloodskal Blade.

The process of unlocking this Word involves using the Bloodskal Blade to interact with specific energy cracks in a mystic gateway, requiring precision and strategic combat maneuvers. Upon overcoming the challenges and defeating the Dragon Priest Zahkriisos, players will discover the Armor Word inscribed on a rock within the mines.

Third Word of Power - Wyrm

The final Word of Power can be obtained during the concluding mission of the Dragonborn DLC, 'At the Summit of Apocrypha.' Located within Chapter 6, Waking Dreams, the Word wall awaits players after facing off against formidable foes and the dragon Sahrotaar. By taming Sahrotaar and collecting the last Word of Power, players unlock substantial boosts to their armor rating, power attacks, and elemental resistances, maximizing the Dragon Aspect Shout's potency.

With a variety of effects and enhancements, the Dragon Aspect Shout stands as a versatile and invaluable ability in Skyrim. While limited to one daily use, its efficiency in reducing Shout recharge time and amplifying other Shout abilities makes it a formidable asset in battles. Master the Dragon Aspect Shout to unleash its full potential and conquer Skyrim's challenges with ease.
