Discovering Hidden Benefits of the Clear Skies Shout in Skyrim

Exploring the overlooked utility of the Clear Skies Dragon Shout in Skyrim and its versatile applications beyond mere weather control.
Discovering Hidden Benefits of the Clear Skies Shout in Skyrim


  • Clear Skies Dragon Shout has diverse and underestimated uses in Skyrim.
  • The power of Clear Skies extends beyond weather control to combat and exploration.
  • Players can enhance their Skyrim experience by leveraging the versatility of the Clear Skies Shout.

The magic system in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim introduces the Thu'um, or 'The Voice,' allowing players to wield powerful 'Shouts' through the Dragon Language. These Shouts, imbued with immense magical strength, have the potential to defeat enemies and alter the environment. Among the 27 Dragon Shouts available in Skyrim, one particular Shout stands out for its hidden potential.

Skyrim continues to captivate players, old and new, with its expansive open world, stunning landscapes, and endless customization options. The game's allure lies in fulfilling the role of the Dragonborn, a formidable hero capable of confronting massive dragons using ancient Shouts, weapons, and magic. As players eagerly await The Elder Scrolls 6, the challenge of surpassing the success of Skyrim looms large for its developers.

Unveiling the Versatility of Clear Skies in Skyrim

While many players favor offensive Shouts like Unrelenting Force and Fire Breath, the Clear Skies Shout (Lok-Vah-Koor) offers a unique set of practical applications often overlooked. Beyond its primary function of dispelling weather effects, Clear Skies proves invaluable for navigating hazards and surprising encounters within the game world.

Understanding the Significance of Clear Skies

Comprising the words 'Sky,' 'Spring,' and 'Summer,' Clear Skies not only clears atmospheric disturbances but also guarantees the appearance of the enchanting Aurora Borealis, enhancing the visual experience for players. This Shout's utility extends far beyond weather alteration, providing unexpected benefits during gameplay.

Creative Applications of Clear Skies

Delving deeper into its capabilities, Clear Skies can be employed in various strategic ways:

  • Neutralize traps: Clear Skies proves effective in dispersing toxic gases from traps, safeguarding players from harm.
  • Disorient foes: Despite its lesser offensive power compared to Unrelenting Force, Clear Skies offers quicker cooldowns, enabling players to disrupt enemy attacks efficiently. However, this tactic is ineffective indoors.
  • Counter environmental threats: In critical moments, such as facing Alduin, Clear Skies can counteract environmental hazards like Dragon Storm Call, granting players a tactical advantage.

The plethora of Dragon Shouts in Skyrim enriches the gameplay experience, with Clear Skies emerging as a versatile and underappreciated tool. While popular choices like Fus-Ro-Dah dominate, embracing the strategic nuances of Shouts like Lok-Vah-Koor can unlock new dimensions of enjoyment, from altering weather patterns to outmaneuvering adversaries in combat.
