Beginner's Guide to Sky: Children of the Light

Discover essential tips and tricks to kickstart your journey in Sky: Children of the Light and navigate the mystical realms with ease.
Beginner's Guide to Sky: Children of the Light


  • Free the Spirits to unlock rewards
  • Collect and use Candles strategically
  • Embrace teamwork for a richer gaming experience

Sky: Children of the Light invites players into a captivating multi-realm indie MMO where unique worlds present diverse challenges and mysteries. Navigating these expansive realms can be daunting initially, but with the right guidance, you can swiftly immerse yourself in this enchanting universe.

Designed as a sanctuary from the mundane, Sky: Children of the Light offers both solitary exploration and collaborative adventures with friends. While solo play is rewarding, progressing through the game's campaign thrives on teamwork. This beginner's guide aims to equip players with essential tips and tricks to excel in Sky: Children of the Light.

Unlock Rewards by Freeing the Spirits

After mastering the basics in the tutorial, you'll venture into the vast and picturesque realm of Sky: Children of the Light. Your primary objective is to locate and assist Spirits. By aiding them, you not only liberate them but also earn rewards or gain access to valuable items they offer. Always prioritize helping these Spirits as it can lead to significant benefits.

Strategically Use Candles

Apart from Spirits, you'll frequently encounter Candles scattered throughout the realms. Lighting these Candles serves a dual purpose - illuminating your path and earning Candle currency. These Candles play a vital role in trading with Spirits, offering customization options for your character, and acquiring Hearts, another essential currency for enhancing friendships.

Embrace Teamwork for Success

While some challenges can be tackled individually, many puzzles necessitate collaborative efforts. Exploring the game world becomes more enjoyable and efficient when done with friends, enabling mutual assistance and energy replenishment. Remember, forming a team may pose challenges, but the rewards of teamwork are invaluable.

Cultivate Friendships Over Time

As you traverse the enchanting realms of Sky: Children of the Light, you'll encounter fellow players in ghostly forms. To interact and play together, utilize your Candles to warm each other, transitioning into tangible forms. Communication at this stage is limited to expressions acquired from Spirits, enhancing as your relationship deepens. Strengthening bonds unlocks new features, enriching your collaborative experience.

Armed with these foundational tips and tricks, embarking on your Sky: Children of the Light journey promises smoother navigation and expedited exploration of its mesmerizing realms.