Skull and Bones Struggles Without Iconic Historical Figures

Exploring the Golden Age of Piracy feels lackluster in Skull and Bones due to the absence of famous pirates and real-world locations.
Skull and Bones Struggles Without Iconic Historical Figures


  • Skull and Bones misses out on the immersive experience of meeting iconic historical figures and visiting authentic settings, unlike Assassin's Creed 4.
  • The decision to exclude historical characters from Skull and Bones detracts from the captivating pirate adventure fans enjoyed in Black Flag.
  • Ubisoft's choice to focus on original characters and locations in Skull and Bones limits the game's potential to deliver a truly remarkable pirate journey.

Skull and Bones takes players back to the Golden Age of Piracy, but it falls short in capturing the essence of the era. While players can still sail the seas and seek their fortune, the absence of renowned pirates and familiar locations from Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag leaves a void. Interacting with entirely new characters and unexplored territories, while not ruining the experience, holds Skull and Bones back.

Players not only cherished the innovative pirate gameplay in Black Flag but also relished encounters with historical figures in authentic settings. This element has been a cornerstone of the Assassin's Creed series, lending it a unique charm. Skull and Bones had the potential to emulate this success, promising an exceptional pirate adventure. However, Ubisoft opted for a different approach, resulting in a diminished setting.

Skull and Bones Misses the Mark on Historical Significance

Skull and Bones Strays from Assassin's Creed's Legacy

While Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag delved into Edward Kenway's Assassin Brotherhood journey, it also spotlighted prominent historical figures to enrich the pirate world, such as:

  • Edward Thatch
  • Benjamin Hornigold
  • Mary Read
  • Anne Bonny
  • Jack Rackham
  • Stede Bonnet
  • Charles Vane

These inclusions transformed the game into more than a mere pirate tale, elevating it to a genuine tribute to piracy. Combined with the thrilling gameplay of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag and the realistic locales, it delivered an immersive experience. This formula has been a recurring success across the Assassin's Creed franchise, setting it apart with historical characters.

Skull and Bones' World Begs for a Historical Touch

Contrary to its predecessor, Skull and Bones forges its own historical path. Presently, the game lacks any renowned figures, with the narrative revolving around original characters. While this grants Ubisoft creative freedom, it results in a world devoid of historical charm.

In addition, Skull and Bones features fictional locales inspired by the Indian Ocean, yet they lack the authenticity of real-world settings. The islands bear no resemblance to their actual counterparts, with fabricated towns and factions unique to the game. While this flexibility empowers the studio, players miss out on experiencing the true essence of the Golden Age of Piracy.

The absence of historical figures and authentic locations diminishes the overall experience. Initial expectations upon Skull and Bones' announcement hinted at an exploration of genuine history, especially given its roots in Black Flag. Although gameplay similarities exist, the removal of real-world elements has detracted from the adventure's grandeur. While future updates may reintroduce historical elements, the current setting lacks the allure it could have possessed.