Showing Brick and Mordecai Some Spotlight in Borderlands 4

Exploring the overdue recognition for the original Vault Hunters in the upcoming Borderlands game.
Showing Brick and Mordecai Some Spotlight in Borderlands 4


  • Brick and Mordecai, original Vault Hunters, need more prominent roles in Borderlands 4 after being sidelined in recent games.
  • Their absence from the live-action film raises questions, emphasizing the need for their involvement in key plotlines in Borderlands 4.
  • Redemption is on the horizon for Brick and Mordecai in Borderlands 4, potentially as playable characters once again.

The world of Borderlands is filled with a diverse cast of characters, each unique in their own way. From the quirky Tiny Tina to the infamous Handsome Jack, the series has introduced unforgettable personalities. However, the original Vault Hunters from the first Borderlands game, including Brick and Mordecai, have been somewhat neglected in recent installments, warranting a resurgence in the upcoming Borderlands 4.

Following the events of Borderlands 3, Brick and Mordecai stand as the sole surviving Vault Hunters from the initial game, with Lilith's fate confirmed by Gearbox. Despite their pivotal roles in the series' inception, they have been sidelined in recent narratives, calling for a revival of their characters in the highly anticipated Borderlands 4.

Time for Appreciation: Brick and Mordecai in Borderlands 4

Brick and Mordecai's Diminished Presence in Borderlands 3

In Borderlands 3, Brick and Mordecai made fleeting appearances, significantly reduced from their former prominence. Their involvement was primarily limited to the 'Hammerlocked' mission and a few side quests, failing to showcase their full potential.

The Absence Quandary: Exclusion from the Borderlands Film

While Lilith and Roland feature in the live-action Borderlands adaptation, the exclusion of Brick and Mordecai has sparked debates among fans. Their absence raises concerns about the film's fidelity to the game's legacy, urging for their inclusion to maintain the original quartet's unity.

A Vital Quest: Brick and Mordecai's Role in the Search for Lilith

With Borderlands 4 looming, the quest to locate Lilith becomes paramount, hinting at a potential narrative direction. As Ava spearheads the search, Brick and Mordecai's involvement seems inevitable, possibly rejoining as playable characters to engage fans and enrich the storyline.

The anticipation for Borderlands 4 presents a prime opportunity to reignite the essence of Brick and Mordecai, rectifying their recent underutilization. The forthcoming installment holds the promise of restoring these beloved characters to their former glory, offering a chance for redemption and reconnection with fans.