Mastering Sheep and Wool in Manor Lords

Learn how to efficiently acquire and breed sheep to produce wool, a crucial resource in Manor Lords.
Mastering Sheep and Wool in Manor Lords


  • Build a Livestock Trading Post and a Sheep Farm to acquire sheep.
  • Manage the Livestock Trading Post and order sheep to kickstart wool production.
  • Construct a Sheep Farm to breed and multiply sheep for sustainable wool generation.

As a ruler in Manor Lords, optimal resource management is key for village prosperity. Livestock like oxen, horses, mules, and sheep play vital roles in transportation and production, with sheep being particularly essential for wool in Manor Lords. When starting the game, you won't have sheep, necessitating trade and breeding strategies to obtain this valuable resource.

Acquiring Sheep in Manor Lords

Building a Livestock Trading Post and a Sheep Farm is crucial to acquire sheep in Manor Lords.

Establishing and Operating the Livestock Trading Post

The Livestock Trading Post, requiring 2 Timber to construct, facilitates the import and export of animals like sheep. Assign a family to manage trades and purchase sheep for 30 Regional Wealth each, a cost-effective method to boost regional wealth in the game. Initially, ordering a few sheep should suffice for a Small Village's wool needs. Access the Trade menu at the Livestock Trading Post to place orders for sheep.

Creating a Sheep Farm

Upon ordering sheep, they'll arrive at the Livestock Trading Post the next day. Concurrently, construct a Sheep Farm for housing and managing the sheep, costing one timber. Assign a family to oversee sheep care, wool harvesting, and market deliveries. Utilize the Sheepbreeding development point to allow sheep multiplication in pastures, enabling surplus wool production and potential income generation. Additional workers may be needed as the sheep population grows.