Essential Tips for PlayStation Players on Sea of Thieves for PS5

Get ready for Sea of Thieves on PlayStation 5 arriving on April 30. Before setting sail, here are key tips to help PlayStation players navigate the pirate world.
Essential Tips for PlayStation Players on Sea of Thieves for PS5


  • Complete the tutorial for a solid foundation in gameplay mechanics.
  • Start in PvE mode to ease into the game and learn the ropes.
  • Team up with friends for a more enjoyable and efficient ship life experience.

Mark your calendars for April 30th as Sea of Thieves makes its debut on PlayStation consoles. The highly-anticipated pirate-themed sandbox game will introduce a whole new player base to the excitement of sailing the seas, battling foes, and claiming treasure.

Since its launch in 2018, Sea of Thieves has evolved with numerous updates and new features. Before embarking on your pirate journey, it's crucial to grasp some essential insights to thrive in this challenging and rewarding world of piracy.

10 Master the Basics

Playing the Tutorial Leads to Long-Term Success

Don't underestimate the power of the tutorial. While diving into multiplayer may seem enticing, taking the time to learn the game's fundamentals will pay off in the long run. Understanding basic mechanics like ship repairs and combat tactics is essential for a smooth sailing experience.

9 Start Safely

Begin in PvE for a Gentle Introduction

Consider starting in PvE mode to acclimate to the game's dynamics without the pressure of PvP encounters. This mode offers quests, exploration, and combat opportunities in a more relaxed setting, allowing players to build their skills and confidence gradually.

8 Join Forces

Enhance Ship Life with Companions

Life as a pirate is better enjoyed with friends. Collaborating with a crew simplifies ship management tasks and adds more fun to the adventure. Whether navigating stormy seas or engaging in battles, having reliable companions by your side makes the journey more enjoyable and efficient.

7 Embrace Quests

Quests Drive Progression and Rewards

Completing quests is vital for honing your pirate skills and unlocking valuable loot. Whether embarking on treasure hunts or engaging in story-driven missions, quests provide a sense of purpose and adventure in the vast seas of Sea of Thieves.

When setting sail, stay alert for potential threats and unexpected encounters that may add twists to your voyage.

6 Prepare for Losses

Accept Challenges and Regroup Wisely

In the unpredictable seas, setbacks are inevitable. Whether facing PvP battles or environmental hazards, losing loot is part of the pirate experience. Overcoming losses, regrouping, and setting sail again are essential traits of a resilient pirate.

5 Match Ship to Crew Size

Select the Right Vessel for Efficient Sailing

Choose a ship that suits your crew size to optimize performance. While the Galleon offers firepower, smaller crews may find the Sloop or Brigantine more manageable and agile. Matching the ship to your crew's size ensures smoother sailing and effective coordination during encounters.