Scream 7: Time to Say Goodbye to Billy Loomis

Why Scream 7 should steer clear of revisiting Skeet Ulrich's iconic character.
Scream 7: Time to Say Goodbye to Billy Loomis


  • Bringing back Billy Loomis in Scream 2022 and Scream 6 did not contribute significantly to the storyline or character development, making it unnecessary for Scream 7.
  • Skeet Ulrich's eagerness to reprise his role as Billy Loomis stems from his admiration for the legacy of the beloved slasher films.
  • Scream 7 should pivot towards new characters and narratives, leaving behind established figures like Billy Loomis to explore fresh avenues within the horror genre.

Among all the Ghostface killers in the Scream series, Stu Macher (Matthew Lillard) and Billy Loomis (Skeet Ulrich) stand out for their unique blend of terror and humor. However, Billy's return in the fifth and sixth installments disrupted the franchise's flow instead of enhancing it.

As fans eagerly anticipate details about Scream 7, such as the new director and the future direction of the franchise post numerous changes, the possibility of Skeet Ulrich reprising his role as Billy Loomis looms. Yet, there are compelling reasons why this might not be a wise choice.

Why Billy Loomis Should Stay Away from Scream 7

Billy Loomis made appearances in Scream (2022) and Scream 6, particularly in scenes with Sam Carpenter (Melissa Barrera). However, including Billy in Scream 7 is unwarranted for two main reasons. Firstly, with Jenna Ortega and Melissa Barrera exiting the franchise, Billy's presence would feel out of place. Secondly, Billy's reappearance adds little value to the overarching narrative.

Billy's character arc as Sidney's deceitful boyfriend and one of the original Ghostface killers is well-developed. His betrayal of Sidney and vengeful motives tied to his family's history are intriguing. Nonetheless, with his story concluding in the first Scream movie, there is no logical rationale for his return.

While some horror franchises should be left untouched, Scream 7 marks a reboot opportunity that should prioritize new characters over past ones. While legacy characters like Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) can be relevant, the franchise must evolve. The modern slasher genre offers ample storytelling potential, making Billy obsolete within the series.

Exploring Skeet Ulrich's Horror Filmography:

  • Billy Loomis in Scream (1996)
  • Chris Hooker in The Craft (1993)
  • Brice in Escape Room (2018)
  • Billy Loomis in Scream (2022)
  • Billy Loomis in Scream 6 (2023)
  • Patrick in Blood (2023)

While Scream (2022) and Scream 6 would have thrived without Billy Loomis, Skeet Ulrich's desire to return to the horror genre is understandable. In a 2021 Forbes interview, he expressed his reverence for the slasher movie legacy, stating:

Unpacking Billy Loomis's Return in Scream

Billy Loomis reappears in Scream (2022) and Scream 6 as the father of Sam Carpenter, who grapples with her family's dark past. While these movies introduce new Ghostface antagonists, they also delve into the strained sibling dynamic between Sam and Tara as they navigate their rekindled relationship. Sam's shame at being related to a serial killer and her journey towards self-acceptance are central themes.

In Scream (2022), Billy's hallucination serves as a red herring hinting at Sam's potential involvement as Ghostface. However, this misdirection leads to the revelation of Richie Kirsch (Jack Quaid) and Amber Freeman (Mikey Madison) as the true culprits. Given Tara's near-fatal encounter early on, Sam's betrayal of her sister seems implausible, diluting the suspense.

Another sighting of Billy occurs in Scream 6 during the characters' showdown with Ghostface at the old cinema. This iteration of Billy feels forced, especially considering Sam's prior resolution regarding her father. In a conversation with Detective Bailey (Dermot Mulroney), Sam muses:

While Sam's envisioned trilogy may not materialize, and her absence from Scream 7 is confirmed, retaining Billy Loomis in the narrative no longer aligns with the evolving storyline.