Exploring the Intricacies of Sand Land's Vehicle Customization

Unveiling the depth of vehicle customization in Bandai Namco's Sand Land, a world brimming with diverse activities and personalized gameplay.
Exploring the Intricacies of Sand Land's Vehicle Customization


  • Sand Land offers a vast open-world for immersive activities like city-building and exploration, going beyond combat scenarios.
  • Vehicle customization plays a pivotal role in Sand Land, enabling players to enhance both travel efficiency and combat prowess.
  • Every unique vehicle in Sand Land presents distinct features, weapons, and customization options for a tailored gaming experience.

Sand Land is an action-packed RPG collaboration between Bandai Namco and ILCA, inspired by Akira Toriyama's manga world, including the iconic Dragon Ball. The vast expanse of Sand Land beckons Beelzebub and companions to embark on a quest across the desert in pursuit of a mythical spring that could restore balance to the realm. While Sand Land boasts engaging combat, exploration, and city-building elements, its standout feature lies in the intricate world of vehicle customization.

Navigating the sprawling terrain of Sand Land demands reliable vehicles that not only facilitate travel but also serve as indispensable assets in battles against formidable adversaries. Players can fine-tune their vehicles on-the-go or in the Spino City garage to ensure they are well-equipped for combat challenges, revealing a depth of customization that surpasses expectations and enriches the gaming experience.

The Depth of Sand Land's Vehicle Customization

Unique Features Define Each Vehicle

Each vehicle in Sand Land boasts distinctive traits. For example, the Jump-Bot propels Beelzebub to great heights, enabling access to otherwise unreachable areas. The Hover Car effortlessly glides over water bodies, the Battle Armor aids in displacing obstacles, and the Tank provides firepower to dismantle barriers and vanquish foes. Beyond their inherent abilities, vehicles in Sand Land can undergo extensive upgrades and personalization at the Spino City garage.

Extensive Customization Options

The heart of Sand Land's gameplay lies in its comprehensive vehicle customization. Players can not only enhance their vehicles' weaponry but also tailor their performance attributes. Each vehicle is equipped with two distinct weapons, with opportunities for upgrades and variations as the game progresses.

Vehicle customization extends to engines, suspensions, and option parts, offering enhancements for traversal and exploration. Upgrades improve durability and performance, allowing players to fine-tune every aspect of their vehicles. Moreover, a visit to the paint shop in Spino City enables players to personalize their vehicles with a spectrum of colors and decals, adding unique touches to their rides.

With a strong emphasis on vehicle customization, Sand Land promises a personalized gaming journey. The extensive customization options mirror the vastness of the open world, ensuring players can traverse dungeons and key locations in style, tailored to their preferences.