Sand Land: Must-Have Early Game Abilities for Success

Discover the essential skills that players should unlock first in the action RPG Sand Land.
Sand Land: Must-Have Early Game Abilities for Success


  • Prioritize unlocking Brace For Attack skill to quickly recover from knockdowns and stay in the fight.
  • Boost Beelzebub's health with Max HP Boost 1 to avoid facing the Game Over screen prematurely.
  • Increase special meter size with Max Power of Darkness Boost 1 to unleash powerful attacks like Rush during boss battles.

Sand Land takes inspiration from an Akira Toriyama manga. Departing from the extensive Dragon Ball series, Bandai Namco's Sand Land video game offers an enriched action RPG experience.

Engage in battles, earn EXP, and level up to acquire skill points for Beelzebub and allies. Among numerous skills, focusing on these top abilities will significantly enhance your Sand Land gameplay. While acquiring skill points can be demanding, the rewards are well worth the effort.

8 Brace For Attack

Quickly Recover in Battle!

Being knocked down in combat can be detrimental. Brace For Attack enables Beelzebub to swiftly regain composure, crucial for survival. While Aerial Evasion offers dodging while airborne, prioritizing Brace For Attack is recommended.

7 Max HP Boost 1

Strengthen Beelzebub's Vitality

Elevate Beelzebub's health with Max HP Boost 1. While seemingly basic, this skill is pivotal to sustaining Beelzebub's longevity and preventing premature defeats. Health replenishment in Sand Land involves water sources akin to Estus Flasks in Dark Souls.

6 Max Power of Darkness Boost 1

Enhance Special Attacks

Unleash devastating attacks like Rush by increasing the special meter through Max Power of Darkness Boost 1. Amplifying the meter size empowers Beelzebub to utilize specials effectively, especially during challenging boss encounters.