Unveiling Quartz Acquisition Tips in Sand Land

Discover the essential methods for obtaining Quartz in Sand Land to enhance your vehicles with EX Chip slots.
Unveiling Quartz Acquisition Tips in Sand Land


  • Learn the significance of Quartz in upgrading your vehicles with EX Chip slots for enhanced abilities.
  • Explore the two primary methods of acquiring Quartz in Sand Land: mining in the wilderness and purchasing at the Spino Town Trading Post.
  • Optimize your Quartz collection strategy by combining mining techniques with occasional purchases for efficient progression.

Embark on your journey through Sand Land and uncover a plethora of materials crucial for advancing as Beelzebub. These items play a pivotal role in enhancing your exploration and combat prowess.

Quartz, a standout material, holds immense value as it unlocks EX Chip slots for your vehicles. These chips furnish vehicles with passive abilities, bolstering their strength. Therefore, mastering the art of acquiring Quartz is indispensable for a successful playthrough.

How to Acquire Quartz in Sand Land

Sand Land offers two primary avenues to obtain Quartz. Firstly, you can mine Quartz in the wilderness by extracting it from Ores nestled in walls or rocks across mountains, caves, and forested areas. A simple attack, whether a melee strike, a tank rocket, or a gentle nudge while driving, can dislodge Quartz from Ores.

Recognizable by its striking purple hue, Quartz is easily spotted amidst sandy deserts and rocky terrains. To expedite the mining process and maximize efficiency, consider investing in the Thief's Item Picker Skill. This skill automates material collection from nearby sources, saving you time and effort.

Alternatively, you can acquire Quartz swiftly by purchasing it from the Spino Town Trading Post. This method offers quick access to Quartz in exchange for an Ancient Copper Coin, yielding 4x Quartz. While efficient, this approach is limited by the scarcity of Ancient Copper Coins. Hence, it's advisable to reserve this option for urgent Quartz needs and primarily rely on mining for a steady supply.