Game Developer Discusses Transforming Toriyama's Characters into 3D for Sand Land

Exploring the challenges and strategies behind converting iconic Akira Toriyama characters into 3D models for the Sand Land game.
Game Developer Discusses Transforming Toriyama's Characters into 3D for Sand Land


  • Sand Land game respects Toriyama's legacy by preserving emotive faces and unique designs in 3D models.
  • English voice acting and lip sync play a crucial role in bringing Sand Land characters to life in the upcoming RPG adaptation.
  • Sand Land introduces new audiences to Toriyama's lesser-known property through memorable personalities and expressions.

Bandai Namco's forthcoming open-world action-adventure title Sand Land is set in the world of the Akira Toriyama manga of the same name. The game continues the tradition of showcasing character designs by the renowned creator. Given Toriyama's recent passing, the release of Sand Land takes on added significance as one of the final games featuring his iconic character designs outside of the Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Quest franchises. Toriyama's characters are known for their expressive faces, making the transition from 2D to 3D a challenging task.

A recent conversation with Sand Land producer Keishu Minami sheds light on Bandai Namco's ambitious plans for the Sand Land IP. These plans include an animated series, a feature film in the works, and the video game adaptation. Toriyama's unmistakable characters have appeared in numerous games over the years. Minami discussed the difficulties of converting 2D art into in-game 3D assets while retaining the characters' emotional depth and facial expressions.

Impact of English Voice Acting on Sand Land's Character Representation

Facial animations are crucial for player immersion in cutscenes, determining the believability and expressiveness of characters. Adapting 2D characters into 3D poses a challenge, especially when trying to capture the essence of a well-known artist's designs. Bringing Sand Land's characters to life, despite being less familiar than Toriyama's other creations, was a key focus during development.

The game's emphasis on English voiceovers and synchronized lip movements was integral to translating the characters from Sand Land's manga into 3D models for the game. Minami believes that these aspects were essential in preserving each character's individuality while staying true to Toriyama's original vision.

While Sand Land characters share core characteristics found in Toriyama's work, figures like the demon Beezelbub and his companions offer a fresh experience compared to the artist's other creations. Introducing a lesser-known property to a new audience is no small task. Fortunately, both the Sand Land game and the animated series focus on bringing the world to life by highlighting the distinct personalities and expressions present in Toriyama's original art.