Exploring Roles in SaGa Emerald Beyond

Discover the diverse Roles available in SaGa Emerald Beyond and understand their significance in gameplay.
Exploring Roles in SaGa Emerald Beyond


  • Roles in the game determine how characters engage in combat.
  • Players can customize characters with different Roles like attack, healing, and defense.
  • Various races in the game have unique Role systems, adding depth to gameplay.

SaGa Emerald Beyond marks Square Enix's noteworthy addition to the SaGa series, offering a rich gaming experience across different platforms. With a multitude of protagonists embarking on distinct journeys, the game promises a substantial adventure.

Curiosity often arises among players regarding the concept of Roles within the game and their impact on combat dynamics. Each character can assume a specific Role, presenting a wide array of strategic possibilities. Let's delve into a comprehensive overview of these Roles.

Understanding Roles

Roles serve as the cornerstone of combat strategies in SaGa Emerald Beyond. Players have the flexibility to assign primary Roles to characters, allowing for specialization in areas such as offense, defense, or support. Notably, the Kugutsu race operates on a system of Souls instead of traditional Roles, showcasing a unique gameplay mechanic. Additionally, Ephemerals introduce their distinctive set of Ephemeral Roles, while Vampires and Knights can utilize the Sanguine Roles for combat.

Comprehensive List of Roles

The game features a diverse range of Roles, each offering specific effects and resistances. Let's explore a detailed breakdown of these Roles, shedding light on their functionalities within the game's intricate combat system.