Mastering Character Recruitment in SaGa Emerald Beyond

Discover the diverse world of 18 recruitable characters in SaGa Emerald Beyond and learn how to add them to your team.
Mastering Character Recruitment in SaGa Emerald Beyond


  • Explore the intricate world of SaGa Emerald Beyond with 18 unique recruitable characters.
  • Unravel the secrets behind recruiting each character and their significance in the game.
  • Embark on a thrilling journey to assemble a powerful team by recruiting all characters available.

SaGa Emerald Beyond marks Square Enix's eleventh addition to the renowned SaGa series, encompassing a total of fifteen captivating games. In this latest installment, players are introduced to six protagonists across five distinct storylines, each on a quest to transform their destinies.

As players delve into the adventures of these protagonists, they encounter a myriad of characters throughout their journeys. While some characters offer temporary aid before vanishing, others can be recruited to join the player's team. Here's a comprehensive guide to recruiting all the recruitable characters in the game.

Comprehensive List of Recruits

Delve into the world of SaGa Emerald Beyond with a diverse cast of recruitable characters, each associated with specific routes and recruitment timelines. While the game features a total of eighteen recruitable characters, six among them take center stage as main characters. Players may encounter certain characters across multiple playthroughs, while some are exclusive to particular storylines, offering unique roles and contributions to the gameplay experience.