Speculation: Possible Development of a New Star Fox Game for Switch 2

Reports suggest that Nintendo may be planning to revive the popular Star Fox franchise with a new release on its yet-to-be-announced successor to the Switch console.
Speculation: Possible Development of a New Star Fox Game for Switch 2


  • Unconfirmed sources hint at Nintendo's potential work on a new Star Fox game for its upcoming console, possibly hitting the market within the next year.
  • If the rumor holds true, this would mark the first internally developed Star Fox game since 1997, and it is speculated to continue the storyline rather than starting afresh.
  • The speculated new Star Fox game is anticipated to heavily feature online multiplayer, with some clues lending support to this speculation.
  • It's important for fans to approach this information with caution, considering its unverified nature.

Gossips are rife that Nintendo could be in the process of creating a new Star Fox game for its future Switch successor console. The Star Fox series dates back to the era of the Super NES, where the initial release captivated players with state-of-the-art polygonal graphics and intense space-shooter gameplay. Since then, various Star Fox sequels have been launched on different Nintendo platforms, and characters like Fox McCloud and Falco Lombardi have become staples in Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros crossover series. Nevertheless, no new Star Fox game has been unveiled since 2016’s Star Fox Zero for the Wii U, which received mixed reviews from both fans and critics.

Indeed, the closest fans have come to a new Star Fox release in the past seven years was Star Fox 2 (the completed but ultimately unsold sequel to the original Star Fox) as part of the Super NES Classic Edition bundle in 2017. Nonetheless, numerous rumors have hinted at the possibility of Fox and his team of furry space heroes taking flight once again. One such rumor suggested that Retro Studios, the developer behind the forthcoming Metroid Prime 4, was working on a new Star Fox game, but this turned out to be false. Meanwhile, the original Star Fox programmer, Dylan Cuthbert, is of the opinion that Nintendo will eventually revive the series.

His projection might be coming to fruition, as a fresh rumor implies that Nintendo is crafting a new Star Fox installment for its much-speculated Switch successor console. This rumor originates from leaker Zippo, who has made some accurate predictions but doesn't have a flawless track record. According to their latest assertion, this new Star Fox title is purportedly set to launch within the next 12 months. It is being developed internally at Nintendo, marking the first instance for the series since 1997’s Star Fox 64. Zippo also claims that this will be a sequel to a prior Star Fox game rather than a reboot, and that online multiplayer will play a significant role in its promotion.

While Zippo suggests that this alleged Star Fox game will be available on the rumored Nintendo Switch 2 console, they do not dismiss the possibility of it being cross-generational with the current Switch system. Zippo also presented some potential evidence to support their claims, including a reference to Star Fox hidden in the source code for Nintendo Switch Sports, of all things. Furthermore, Nintendo filed a new trademark for Star Fox in Brazil in December, along with another entirely new trademark in November.

None of this guarantees the existence of a new Star Fox game for Nintendo’s next console, especially considering that the console hasn't been officially confirmed yet. Nevertheless, fans have been eagerly anticipating a new Star Fox adventure for quite some time now, and such a title would make for an exhilarating and unforeseen launch for the next Nintendo system. For now, enthusiasts will have to wait and see if Fox McCloud will finally make his much-anticipated return in a non-Smash Bros game within the upcoming year.