Delving into Status Royale with Ru Xu: A Manga Maestro's Take

Exploring the world of Status Royale with Ru Xu, the creative mind behind VIZ Originals' eSports manga
Delving into Status Royale with Ru Xu: A Manga Maestro's Take


  • Discover how Ru Xu blends gaming and manga influences to craft the unique universe of Status Royale
  • Explore the immersive elements of Status Royale, from newspapers and internet forums to character dynamics
  • Uncover Ru Xu's insights on themes of friendship, competition, and fun in gaming through the lens of Status Royale

Ru Xu, an accomplished American comic book artist, initially embarked on her creative journey by self-publishing original narratives online. Her graphic novel series, NewsPrints, garnered critical acclaim, leading her to her latest venture, Status Royale, a manga delving into the realm of eSports under VIZ Media's Originals imprint, which made its debut in February.

GameRant had the privilege of not only reviewing Status Royale upon its release but also engaging in a conversation with Ru Xu about her craft, gaming, and more.

GameRant: Beyond conventional inspirations, what drove the inception of the Status Royale narrative?

Ru: Competitive gaming exposure sparked my interest, reminiscent of the impact KaibaCorp's technology had in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! during my formative years, influencing the creation of the immersive realm in Status Royale.

GR: The introduction of Perfect Sync as a game mechanic early on is intriguing. What spurred its development?

Ru: Childhood memories of games like Super Smash Bros Melee inspired Perfect Sync. Drawing from advanced techniques accessible through skill mastery, glitches, and the allure of honing unparalleled abilities in gaming culture shaped its concept.

GR: Is there a standout character in Status Royale for you, and what sets them apart?

Ru: Each character in Status Royale holds a special place in my creative vision. Crafting diverse personalities and fostering intricate dynamics among characters, like Jun's dog-loving trait, adds depth and relatability to the narrative.

GR: The immersive elements in Status Royale, such as newspapers and forums, enrich the storytelling. What motivated these design elements?

Ru: Drawing from my prior work in NewsPrints, the incorporation of media snippets and online chatter in Status Royale mirrors gaming culture, offering a holistic view of the game world.

GR: Developing the settings for both virtual and real-world scenarios in Status Royale was meticulous work. How did you balance this duality?

Ru: Customizability played a pivotal role in delineating distinct settings in Status Royale, with character-specific color schemes and aesthetic preferences defining the in-game experience.

GR: Vell's persona resonates with classic 'hothead' archetypes from shōnen manga. What inspired her character?

Ru: Vell's spirited demeanor draws inspiration from iconic protagonists in Studio TRIGGER productions, infusing confidence and intensity into her persona, with subtle nods to traditional 'bad guy' color themes.

Exploring themes of friendship in both NewsPrints and Status Royale has illuminated nuanced dynamics for Ru, offering a gateway to relatable narratives and personal reflections.

GR: How do video games like Smash or Overwatch influence your creative process?

Ru: Video games serve as a source of enjoyment and community building, pivotal aspects mirrored in Status Royale's narrative, underscoring the essence of fun amidst competitive pursuits.

GR: Transitioning from graphic novels to manga with Status Royale was an exciting shift. Did this transition pose any unforeseen challenges?

Ru: Crafting Status Royale presented a refreshing experience compared to the intensity of NewsPrints, offering a new avenue for creative expression, albeit with initial concerns about character reception.

GR: What advice would you give budding artists embarking on their creative journeys?

Ru: Prioritize self-care and wellness, crucial for sustaining creative endeavors. Embrace a mindset of joy and passion in artistry, fostering a fulfilling creative process.

Status Royale beckons readers into a realm of esports intrigue, encapsulating the essence of competitive gaming dynamics and personal growth. Ru Xu's artistic odyssey, spanning from self-publishing to acclaimed graphic novel series, embodies a testament to creative evolution and storytelling prowess.

Discover more of Ru's captivating works on her website, DFTBA store, or follow Ru's artistic journey on Instagram.