Discover 6 RPGs with Exceptional Loot Systems

Exploring RPGs with distinctive loot that adds depth and excitement to the gaming experience.
Discover 6 RPGs with Exceptional Loot Systems


  • Uncover games where loot is not just a commodity but an integral part of the gameplay.
  • Experience unique weapons, armor, and items that enhance character progression and gameplay.
  • Find out how these RPGs offer a fresh take on looting, making it both challenging and rewarding.

Role-playing games have seen a surge in popularity, evolving over time to keep players immersed and entertained. One key element that enhances this experience is the loot system, encouraging players to constantly upgrade their characters for better performance.

As the prevalence of loot-driven gameplay grows, some players tire of mundane item discoveries that add little value to their characters. Games that offer scarce but meaningful loot, rewarding exploration and quest completion, elevate the significance of each find.

6 Bloodborne

Weapons and Items with Distinctive Traits

Renowned as one of FromSoftware's best games, Bloodborne stands out for its carefully crafted loot system. While the weapon variety is limited compared to Dark Souls, each weapon boasts a unique moveset, emphasizing quality over quantity.

Players also discover valuable items like the Madman's Knowledge and Numbing Mist, enhancing their gameplay experience. The The Old Hunters DLC introduces exceptional items, solidifying its reputation as FromSoftware's finest work.

5 Gothic 2

Story-Driven Armor and Sparse Yet Effective Weapons

The Gothic series immerses players in a world where armor and weapons are scarce but impactful. Progressing from humble beginnings to powerful warriors, players appreciate the rarity of loot, be it for combat skills or survival.

Each armor set and weapon upgrade in the game holds significance, with items like the Claw of Beliar being prized possessions, enriching the gameplay experience.

4 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Game-Changing Loot Discoveries

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines features rare loot that transforms gameplay dynamics. From basic pistols to powerful swords and rifles, each discovery alters the player's combat strategies.

Unique items like blood bags and Occult items provide essential advantages, with standout finds like the Steyr Aug and katana revolutionizing combat encounters.

3 Prey

Limited Arsenal, Maximum Impact

Prey by Arkane Studios offers a unique FPS RPG experience where every item discovery is crucial for survival. Players scavenge for supplies to tackle challenging combat scenarios effectively.

From essential supplies like Psi Hypos and Medkits to game-changing tools like the Gloo Gun, each find significantly influences the player's progress and strategy, creating a rewarding looting experience.

2 Dark Souls

Diverse Playstyles Through Varied Equipment

Dark Souls revolutionized action RPGs by emphasizing player skill and strategic equipment choices. Each loot discovery, from weapons to armor sets, influences the player's approach to the game.

Players customize their playstyle based on the gear they acquire, from powerful weapons like the Zweihander to coveted items like Havel's Ring, showcasing the game's depth and diversity in loot offerings.

1 Sunless Sea

Unconventional Loot in a Unique Setting

Sunless Sea presents a distinct RPG experience with unconventional loot mechanics. Players navigate a world where cargo holds significant value, either aiding quests or serving as profitable trade commodities.

Trading plays a vital role in Sunless Sea, encouraging players to seek out unique cargo for lucrative deals. The game's surreal world introduces players to bizarre items like crates of human souls, seamlessly blending them into the gameplay for an unforgettable looting adventure.