5 RPGs Featuring Royal Protagonists

Embark on epic adventures as royalty in these captivating RPG titles.
5 RPGs Featuring Royal Protagonists


  • Experience the thrill of ruling kingdoms in these immersive RPG games.
  • Navigate political intrigue and personal growth as a royal protagonist.
  • Engage in epic battles and make impactful decisions that shape your kingdom.

Delve into the world of RPGs where royalty takes center stage, offering players a unique perspective on power, responsibility, and the struggles that come with being a royal protagonist. These games immerse you in rich narratives, engaging gameplay, and memorable characters, making for an unforgettable gaming experience.

While many RPGs are set in fantastical realms, some stand out by placing players in the shoes of kings, queens, and heirs, challenging them to navigate complex political landscapes and personal dilemmas. Let's explore five RPG titles that showcase royal protagonists in captivating ways:

5 Fable 3

Metacritic User Score: 6.7

In Fable 3, players step into the role of the Royal Monarch, making impactful decisions that shape the kingdom's fate. Balancing ruling duties with exploration, relationships, and moral choices, this game offers a mix of power and personal growth.

From attending royal functions to engaging in thrilling adventures, Fable 3 captures the essence of royalty with its immersive gameplay and player-driven narrative.

4 Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom

Metacritic User Score: 7.9

Ni No Kuni 2 follows Evan, a young king, and Roland, a modern leader, on a quest to build a kingdom and face political challenges. This game blends whimsical visuals with deep storytelling, showcasing the weight of leadership and the bonds formed in times of crisis.

As players navigate the responsibilities of ruling and the thrill of exploration, Ni No Kuni 2 offers a compelling journey of growth and resilience.

3 Child Of Light

Metacritic User Score: 8.0

In Child of Light, players guide Aurora, a princess on a quest to restore her kingdom's light. With a blend of platforming and RPG elements, this game offers a heartfelt story of friendship and courage.

As Aurora befriends allies and battles dark forces, Child of Light weaves a tale of resilience and self-discovery, proving that even royalty faces challenges that test the spirit.