Rotwood Guide: Essential Tips for New Players

Navigating a new game can be challenging, so here are some handy tips to help you get started on your Rotwood adventure.
Rotwood Guide: Essential Tips for New Players


  • Focus on learning enemy patterns and collecting Corestones before attempting to beat the boss
  • Experiment with different weapons to unlock Masteries and improve combat skills
  • Understand the value of in-game currencies like Teffra and Corestones to make strategic upgrades

Embarking on a new roguelike adventure like Rotwood can be both thrilling and daunting. While the game is already engaging and enjoyable, especially when played with friends, it's important to remember that it is still in Early Access.

As with any game in Early Access, Rotwood is subject to changes and updates. To help new players ease into the game, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

5 Focus on Learning, Not Just Winning

Set Specific Goals for Each Expedition

Instead of solely focusing on defeating the boss in every run, concentrate on understanding enemy behaviors, gathering Corestones for gear upgrades, and practicing your path to the boss arena with optimal health and resources.

Don't give up after reaching the boss arena; use the opportunity to learn its patterns and weaknesses. Experiment with different armor and weapons to find the best strategy for each boss encounter.

4 Experiment with Weaponry

Unlock Masteries for Combat Mastery

Visit Toot at the hub to unlock various weapons early on. Each weapon offers unique Masteries that can enhance your combat skills. Try out different weapons and their combo attacks to become proficient in using them during Expeditions.

Practice with training targets at the hub to improve your combat techniques and understand weapon Hit Focus for maximizing damage.

3 Master In-Game Currencies

Utilize Currencies for Upgrades

Be aware of the different currencies in the game, such as Teffra and Corestones. Utilize Teffra for temporary upgrades during runs, while Corestones are essential for purchasing permanent gear upgrades.

Collect upgrade materials from different locations to enhance your gear further. Understanding the value of each currency will help you make strategic decisions during gameplay.

2 Follow the Path

Interpret Clearing Markers

Pay attention to the markers in each clearing to choose the right path for your journey. Follow the compass indications to make informed decisions based on the upcoming challenges.

Understanding clearing markers will help you navigate through different paths efficiently and prepare for encounters based on the displayed symbols.

1 Utilize Power Upgrades Wisely

Maximize Free Upgrades from Alki

Take advantage of free Power upgrades from Alki, which can be obtained once per clearing. Experiment with different powers and upgrades to optimize your gameplay experience.

Utilize these free upgrades to enhance your skills and prepare for challenging runs in Rotwood.