Rotwood Revealed: Mastering Healing & Health Potion Refills

Unraveling the mysteries of healing and health potion refills in the enigmatic world of Rotwood.
Rotwood Revealed: Mastering Healing & Health Potion Refills


  • Discovering the Art of Healing in Rotwood
  • Navigating the Maze for Health Potion Refills
  • Unveiling the Secrets of Doc Hoggins, Alphonse, and Iron Brew

Embark on a journey through the perilous realms of Rotwood, where the path to healing your character is fraught with challenges and hidden opportunities. In this roguelike adventure crafted by Klei Entertainment, players must delve into treacherous dungeons, facing off against corrupted creatures while vigilantly managing their health to survive and progress.

The tutorial in Rotwood overlooks crucial gameplay elements, leaving players in the dark about the healing mechanics, the functionality of health potions, and the elusive process of refilling them. However, with determination and skill, players can uncover the secrets to regaining vitality in this unforgiving world.

Mastering Healing in Rotwood

In Rotwood, each expedition grants you a solitary health potion, capable of restoring 500 health points when activated by pressing and holding Q on your keyboard. For controller users, the healing command is assigned to L1 and LB on PlayStation and Xbox, respectively.

Additionally, certain powers or perks in Rotwood offer healing benefits during combat. For instance, the Concentrated Cure power replenishes health upon defeating enemies or breaking objects with a Focus Attack. Another perk triggers healing with every quick-rise maneuver. While these abilities provide minor healing, reliance on health potions remains paramount in dire situations.

Unlocking Health Potion Refills in Rotwood

In contrast to conventional dungeon crawlers, Rotwood demands strategic evasion and attentiveness as healing resources are scarce and valuable commodities. Players must make critical decisions between enhancing their powers or restoring their health to survive the challenges of this unique gaming experience.

Discover Doc Hoggins

For a reliable health potion refill, seek out Doc Hoggins within Rotwood. A visit to Doc Hoggins will cost 75 Teffra, allowing a single refill per encounter. As a bonus, Doc Hoggins offers a "free sample" to restore 250 health points; simply interact with the Five-Finger Brew cauldron at his encampment for this restorative gift.

Encounter Alphonse

While Alphonse specializes in trading armor and weapons, his campsite features four nest-like baskets containing corestones, powers, upgrades, and crucially, potion refills. These items rotate randomly, so there's a chance that potion refills may not be available during a specific visit. However, Alphonse offers health potion refills for a modest 50 Teffra, providing a more economical option compared to Doc Hoggins.

Seek Out Iron Brew

Rotwood harbors a rare treasure known as Iron Brew, a power that not only refills but also enhances your health potion. By consuming Iron Brew, players can heal an additional 50% and gain a protective shield with each use. Unfortunately, obtaining Iron Brew is unpredictable, as it appears sporadically alongside other powers. To increase your chances, diligently select crystal markers to acquire new abilities after each successful clear.