Rotwood: Efficient Corestone Management

Make the most of your Corestones by strategically investing them in Rotwood.
Rotwood: Efficient Corestone Management


  • Invest in base weapons first to unlock Masteries and earn more Corestones.
  • Farm Corestones by focusing on specific Masteries, exploring compass paths, and visiting Alphonse's store.
  • Craft decorations to earn additional Corestones and switch weapons to optimize Corestone collection.

Many games lock players into irreversible decisions, leading to potential regrets over ineffective builds. In the roguelike dungeon crawler Rotwood, most builds are created during Expeditions, offering flexibility. However, Corestones play a crucial role in shaping your loadout at the beginning of each Expedition.

Strategic Corestone Spending

Players receive a few Corestones early on and must spend them wisely. Initial investments in the other base weapons - Spear, Strikers, and Cannon - are essential, costing 5, 7, and 9 Corestones respectively. By unlocking each weapon and completing its Masteries, players can earn more Corestones than invested, aiding future purchases from Alphonse's store.

Understanding weapon mechanics helps in deciding which armaments to pursue, crucial for acquiring armor and weapons to tackle challenges like defeating Owlitzer.

Optimizing Corestone Acquisition

Efficient Corestone farming involves focusing on specific Masteries, exploring compass paths for Corestones, and visiting Alphonse's store for additional opportunities. Crafting decorations yields Corestones, with some items offering more than a single run's worth. Adapting weapon choices based on Mastery difficulty can optimize Corestone collection.