Roger Ebert's Iron Man Review: A Warning for the Future of the MCU

Reflecting on Roger Ebert's prescient critique of the first Iron Man film and its implications for the current state of Marvel Studios.
Roger Ebert's Iron Man Review: A Warning for the Future of the MCU


  • The success of Iron Man not only launched the MCU but also revitalized Robert Downey Jr.'s career and set significant Hollywood trends.
  • Ebert's review foresaw the potential downfall of the MCU, cautioning against replicating Tony Stark's irreverent nature in every character.
  • Audience fatigue and a lack of diversity in tone and humor among characters have contributed to the declining performance of recent Marvel films.

The inaugural Iron Man movie, which marked the beginning of the MCU in 2008, received an impeccable four out of four stars from the renowned critic Roger Ebert. However, Ebert's assessment from fifteen years ago also contained a haunting admonition that Marvel Studios has failed to acknowledge.

Besides being Marvel Studios' first film, Iron Man initiated several significant Hollywood trends and played a pivotal role in resurrecting Robert Downey Jr.'s career. Following Iron Man, the MCU experienced escalating triumphs, culminating in Avengers: Endgame, the second highest-grossing film of all time. Nevertheless, every empire faces eventual decline, and both Marvel Studios and other superhero franchises, such as DC, have recently encountered a sharp drop in box office revenues due to audience fatigue.

Astoundingly, Ebert seemingly prophesied the downfall of the MCU in his original Iron Man review, as shared on Reddit by u/teslak20. In the context of today's Marvel Studios films, the accuracy of Ebert's concerns is uncanny.