Understanding Type Soul Raid Schedules

Discover the timings for Karakura Town and Faction Raids in Roblox's Type Soul to maximize your gameplay experience.
Understanding Type Soul Raid Schedules


  • Learn the specific schedules for Karakura Town and Faction Raids to plan your gameplay effectively.
  • Understand the different Raid types and objectives within Type Soul for a strategic advantage.
  • Ensure you meet the player requirements to participate in Raids and make the most of your faction's abilities.

Roblox: Type Soul offers a variety of activities, including Raids, that enhance your gameplay by granting experience and valuable items. To excel in Type Soul and unlock all faction abilities, active participation in Raids is essential.

While initially seeming random, Raids in Type Soul follow specific schedules, allowing players to anticipate and prepare for each event.

Karakura Town Raid Schedules in Type Soul

Raids in Type Soul are categorized into two main groups:

  • Faction Raids
  • Karakura Town Raids (KT Raids)

Karakura Town Raids follow a strict spawning interval of every 60 minutes in Type Soul. It's important to note that server time, not real-time, dictates the Raid schedule. Each Raid requires a minimum of 3 players from both factions to commence.

There are three types of Karakura Town Raids:

  • King of the Hill: Capture the designated point to win.
  • Team Deathmatch: Achieve 30 kills before the opposing faction or have more kills when the timer ends.
  • Capture the Flag: Secure three flags or more than the enemy faction within the time limit.

Faction Raid Schedules in Type Soul

Faction Raids in Type Soul commence every 30 minutes and require a minimum of 4 players from each faction on the server for activation.

The three diverse Faction Raid options are:

  • Conquest: Capture 4 map points to accumulate 800 points for victory or hold more points than the enemy by the timer's end.
  • Art of the Soul: Similar to Team Deathmatch but with 2 lives per player to eliminate enemies.
  • Gladiators: Engage in 1 vs. 1 battles in an arena setting, with the faction having more surviving players declared the victor.