Unveiling the Top Races in Roblox's Legacy Piece

Discover the ultimate guide to determining the best races in Roblox's Legacy Piece to enhance your gameplay experience.
Unveiling the Top Races in Roblox's Legacy Piece


  • Learn about the unique strengths and weaknesses of each race in Legacy Piece.
  • Uncover the top races in the game and the benefits they offer.
  • Find out which race, whether Oni or Mink, is ideal for your gameplay style.

Delve into the diverse world of Roblox: Legacy Piece, where your chosen race can shape your gaming journey. Understanding the distinct advantages and disadvantages of each race is crucial for maximizing your gameplay experience. While the game features a limited number of races, discerning the superior ones can give you a competitive edge and streamline your progress.

This comprehensive guide categorizes the races in Legacy Piece, providing detailed insights into the premier race in the game.

Unveiling the Top Races in Legacy Piece

With a selection of 5 distinct races, each offering unique attributes and recruitment probabilities, your choice of race significantly impacts your gameplay benefits.

Understanding the Best Races in Legacy Piece

In the realm of Legacy Piece, the coveted top spot for races belongs to the Oni race. Players embracing this race enjoy unparalleled advantages, such as a double damage multiplier for weapons and abilities, along with a doubled health pool, transforming them into formidable tanks. Despite these perks, acquiring the Oni race poses a challenge due to its remarkably low drop rate of 2%. The trade-off for this power is a notable decrease in speed, counterbalanced by the substantial HP boost, making Oni ideal for players valuing strength over agility.

For those unable to secure the Oni race, setting your sights on the Mink race is a wise alternative. While not matching the Oni's prowess, Mink racers benefit from valuable buffs enhancing their combat prowess. Noteworthy perks include speed and stamina enhancements, crucial for battlefield agility. Additionally, Mink's distinctive electro-fighting style equips them to face Oni contenders effectively, leveraging their speed and stamina advantages. Despite a slightly higher drop rate of 5%, acquiring the Mink race may still require several rerolls.

While other races offer merits in specific scenarios, they lack the versatility of Oni and Mink. For novice players, the initial race choice may not be critical, allowing for exploration and adaptation as gameplay progresses.