Robin Eyre Shares Insights from Developing Van-14 Metroidvania Project

Exploring the Lessons Learned and Benefits of Personal Projects in Game Development
Robin Eyre Shares Insights from Developing Van-14 Metroidvania Project


  • Van-14 is a retro Metroidvania featuring classic traversal mechanics and a unique upgrade system for player abilities.
  • Eyre's focus on chasing fun organically and completing tasks rather than relying on placeholders shapes the cohesive game experience.
  • While there is no set release window for Van-14, Eyre aims to complete the project within the next two years, emphasizing quality over speed.

Van-14 is an upcoming retro Metroidvania game created by Robin Eyre, an artist and developer at Iron Gate Studios. The game follows the fourteenth clone of a human warrior, Van, on a quest to defeat supernatural gods threatening universal destruction. It features classic traversal abilities like grappling hooks and double jumping, along with a unique upgrade system allowing players to customize their abilities for defense, offense, or utility.

In a recent interview with Game Rant, Eyre shared how his experiences with the popular game Valheim have influenced his approach to developing Van-14. Eyre's insights are valuable for indie developers and Metroidvania fans, highlighting the importance of consistent effort in project development.

Finding Joy in Development

Eyre's goal with Van-14 is not to revolutionize the genre but to focus on creating a fun and engaging experience. By approaching development as if the Metroidvania genre did not exist, he aims to organically discover what makes the game enjoyable. Indie projects like Eyre's allow for flexibility and immediate adjustments based on creative instincts, unlike larger productions where changes can have extensive repercussions.

Completing Tasks with Precision

Eyre emphasizes the importance of finishing tasks rather than leaving placeholders, a lesson drawn from his time working on Valheim. He believes that tackling each aspect of the game meticulously contributes to a more coherent and immersive final product. By focusing on detailed elements like enemies, tile sets, and animations, Eyre ensures Van-14 maintains a distinct identity.

Quality Over Speed

Although Eyre has not set a specific release date for Van-14, he aims to complete the game within the next two years. Despite the slow progress resulting from working on the project for two hours each night, Eyre prioritizes maintaining the game's quality. While open to expanding the game if necessary, he remains focused on delivering a polished and cohesive experience to players.

Van-14 is currently in active development.