Rick and Morty: Explaining the Two Crows Shenanigans

Discover the saga of Rick's brief partnership with the Two Crows in season 5 of Rick and Morty.
Rick and Morty: Explaining the Two Crows Shenanigans


  • Rick and Morty's evolving dynamic
  • The creation of the Two Crows
  • The aftermath of the Two Crows' departure

Every mad scientist needs a sidekick, but in Rick and Morty, Rick's relationship with Morty takes an unexpected turn in season 5. Morty's growing individualism leads to a rift between the pair, culminating in Rick's brief partnership with the Two Crows.

Initially, Morty idolized his grandfather, admiring his intelligence and audacity. However, as the series progressed, Morty gained insight into Rick's true character and began to question his role in their dynamic.

Throughout season 5, Morty becomes increasingly disillusioned with Rick, feeling unappreciated and manipulated. This discontent prompts Morty to take matters into his own hands, ultimately leading to Rick's unconventional partnership with the Two Crows.

The Genesis of the Two Crows

The Two Crows make their debut in season 5, episode 9, "Forgetting Sarick Mortshall." Following a heated argument with Morty, Rick introduces the concept of 'sidekick rules' and the possibility of replacing Morty. This prompts Morty to call Rick's bluff, leading to the creation of the Two Crows - a ploy by Rick to demonstrate Morty's replaceability.

Although initially intended as a mere jest, the Two Crows inadvertently become a significant subplot, revealing the cracks in Rick and Morty's partnership.

Rick and the Two Crows' Adventures

Following their creation, Rick embarks on adventures with the Two Crows, culminating in a conflict on an avian planet. This encounter prompts Rick to reevaluate his relationship with Morty and undergo a transformative experience.

The Fate of the Two Crows

Subsequently, Rick and the Two Crows engage in anime-style escapades, prompting Morty to intervene in a bid to reunite with his grandfather. However, Rick's suspicions about the Two Crows are validated when he discovers their true allegiance. This revelation prompts Rick to reevaluate his priorities, culminating in his reunion with Morty and the resumption of their classic adventures.