Reviving Teammates in Gray Zone Warfare: A Guide

Learn how to effectively revive your allies in the intense battles of Gray Zone Warfare to keep your team alive and kicking.
Reviving Teammates in Gray Zone Warfare: A Guide


  • Understand the crucial steps to successfully revive teammates in Gray Zone Warfare.
  • Utilize essential items like Tourniquet, Surgery Kit, and Blood Bags to save your allies.
  • Make strategic decisions on who to revive based on skill level and battlefield conditions.

Engaging in the intense battles of Gray Zone Warfare often leads to casualties among your team. Knowing how to revive your fallen comrades is a vital skill that can turn the tide of a match. This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to effectively bring your teammates back into the fight.

Reviving teammates in Gray Zone Warfare requires precision and quick thinking. The process differs significantly from traditional respawn mechanics, adding a layer of realism and strategy to the gameplay. Here's how you can master the art of revival in the heat of battle.

How to Revive Teammates in Gray Zone Warfare

One crucial point to note is that in Gray Zone Warfare, players cannot revive themselves. When a teammate goes down, it's up to the rest of the team to step in and save them from imminent defeat. While respawning at the base is an option, reviving a teammate presents a more challenging but rewarding opportunity.

To successfully revive a teammate during a battle, you'll need to have three essential items at your disposal. These items are:

  • Use the Tourniquet to stop the bleeding and stabilize your teammate.
  • Employ the Surgery Kit to treat wounds and ensure your ally is fit for combat.
  • Administer the Blood Bags to replenish lost blood and restore your teammate's strength.

The revival process in Gray Zone Warfare is time-consuming and requires careful coordination to pull off successfully. Amidst the chaos of battle, quick thinking and strategic positioning are key to ensuring your teammate makes it back to their feet.

When deciding whom to revive, consider the skill level of your teammates and the current battlefield conditions. Prioritize reviving skilled allies who can contribute significantly to the team's success, while avoiding unnecessary risks to save weaker players. Making smart decisions on who to revive can greatly impact the outcome of the match.