Reviving Capcom's Classic IP: A New Hope for Dead Rising

Exploring the potential return of Dead Rising through Capcom's recent reinvigoration of Dragon's Dogma.
Reviving Capcom's Classic IP: A New Hope for Dead Rising


  • Capcom's revival of Dragon's Dogma hints at a possible comeback for Dead Rising and other classic franchises.
  • The uncertain future of Dead Rising could benefit from a fresh creative vision akin to the successful revival of Dragon's Dogma.
  • Capcom's commitment to revitalizing old IPs signals hope for Dead Rising's resurgence with a modern touch.

Dragon's Dogma 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Capcom's beloved 2012 action-RPG, has brought joy to fans of the series. Its release was unexpected, considering the prolonged uncertainty surrounding a sequel. The excitement surrounding Dragon's Dogma 2 could be a positive sign for another cherished Capcom franchise.

Once a prominent IP alongside iconic series like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry, Dead Rising faced a decline in recent years. While the initial games garnered critical acclaim, later entries struggled to maintain the same level of success. Production issues at Capcom Vancouver resulted in a disappointing Dead Rising 4, leading to the cancellation of Dead Rising 5 and casting doubt on the future of the franchise.

Capcom's Potential Resurrection of Dead Rising

Embracing Classic IPs

The upcoming release of Dragon's Dogma 2 demonstrates Capcom's willingness to revive older franchises, regardless of their age. Given the enduring popularity of Dead Rising, especially the early titles, a revival akin to Dragon's Dogma could be on the horizon.

Despite past setbacks, Dead Rising remains a beloved series known for its frenetic combat and unique gameplay. With a fresh approach, a new installment in the franchise could rekindle its success. Leveraging Capcom's RE Engine for development could elevate the game's visuals and overall quality, similar to recent Resident Evil titles.

The Future of Dead Rising

The resurgence of Dragon's Dogma mirrors Capcom's success in revitalizing other IPs like Devil May Cry 5 and Resident Evil. By focusing on core elements and modernizing gameplay, Capcom turned struggling franchises into triumphs. A potential reboot or remake of Dead Rising could follow suit, learning from past missteps and embracing a new creative direction.

While Dead Rising 4 faced criticism, it doesn't define the series. The positive reception of Dragon's Dogma 2 showcases Capcom's dedication to rejuvenating dormant franchises, hinting at a promising future for Dead Rising.